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True Peak Out of Spec
Display Text True Peak Out of Spec
Description “True Peaks Out of Spec” refers to program audio true peak maximum amplitude values that do not meet the specification guidelines.
Impact True Peaks Out of Spec means the audio peak levels of the asset do not meet the Netflix Delivery Specification.
Severity Assessment Guidance
FYI For Atmos mixes ONLY - Audio true peaks exceed -1dBFS, BUT there is no associated audible distortion.

For 5.1 and 2.0 mixes - Audio true peaks exceed -1dBFS.

For Atmos mixes ONLY - Audio true peaks exceed -1dBFS, AND there is audible distortion accompanying the specific instances where true peaks are above -1dBFS.

Blocker N/A
How to Prevent

Audio gain should also be monitored on set to avoid peak issues down the line.

When mixing audio, ensure peaks are being normalized to spec.

Monitor audio on timeline, and double check exports. Utilize a plugin or enterprise solution to measure true peak against the Netflix Delivery Specification.

How to Fix

Overall gain should be lowered to bring peak levels into spec compliance and to reduce/eliminate associated audible distortion. Audio should be re-exported.

In cases where peaks are inconsistent throughout, re-mixing may be required.

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