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Abrupt Audio Edit
Display Text Abrupt Audio Edit
Description "Abrupt Audio Edit" refers to an abrupt or incomplete audio signal transitional effect.
Impact Abrupt audio edits may unintentionally change the creative intent of the content and can be distracting or jarring to the member experience.
Severity Assessment Guidance
Issue Audio mix/content and/or treatment changes abruptly mid-scene in a way that is clearly not creatively intended based on contextual cues.
Blocker N/A
How to Prevent

Review all edit points. Check for any abrupt, incomplete, or inconsistent audio transitions.

Make sure the file meets Netflix specifications with 1 second of format black and silence at the head and tail. Ensure that the video and audio tracks are the same length to verify that no extra edits were introduced into the audio.

How to Fix Audio edits must be reconfigured to make them more seamless. Extend or trim edits as needed, and re-export.
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