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Display Text Banding/Posterization
Description "Banding/Posterization" is a defined “stepping” between color hues instead of a smooth gradation, often due to lower color bit depths, compression, and/or other image processing techniques.
Impact Banding/Posterization results in a lower quality image, which negatively impacts the member experience.
Severity Assessment Guidance
FYI Banding is minor during fades or dissolves.
Issue Banding/Posterization is significantly noticeable across portions of or the entire image. Banding pattern shifts or fluctuates during playback.
Blocker N/A
How to Prevent

Render at higher bit depths of at least 10-bit or 12-bit whenever possible.


The appearance of banding during playback of fades/dissolves can be due to the monitor refresh rate and should be checked in pause. Review on displays that support higher bit depths.

How to Fix Re-render at least 10-bit and check the render result. Some displays may not support higher bit depths and will show banding which may not exist in the source image. Double check on multiple displays whenever possible.
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