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Audio Level Shift/Change
Display TextAudio Level Shift/Change
Description“Audio Level Shift/Change” refers to any abrupt change of base or peak audio levels that is clearly not creatively intended based on contextual cues.
ImpactAudio level shifts/changes are distracting to the member experience.  If dialogue levels drop below an audible level, it may obscure plot-pertinent details. 
Severity Assessment Guidance
FYIAudio levels shift/change in a way that cannot be directly attributed to creative intent based on contextual cues but is not distracting when playing back the full mix and is generally not disruptive to member experience.
IssueAudio levels shift/change abruptly in a way that is clearly not creatively intended based on contextual cues and is obvious and distracting to the member experience.
How to Prevent

Monitor audio on timeline, and double check exports.  Utilize a plugin or enterprise solution to measure levels.

Review audio at cuts for any unintentional induced fluctuations in levels.

How to FixRe-adjust the base audio levels so there are no abrupt changes.
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