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Audio Tick
Display Text Audio Tick
Description "Audio Tick" is an audible artifact usually caused by edits that cut in between samples or peaks of an audio track and cause the output speakers to change voltage abruptly.
Impact Audio tick negatively impacts the member experience, as it distracts from the creative intent of the mix.
Severity Assessment Guidance
FYI The source of an audio tick is ambiguous, with no clear indication that it is related to an actor’s mouth noise or a sound effect inherent to the scene, but it also cannot be definitively ruled out as such. Alternatively, there are visual cues indicating it may be attributed to an actor’s performance/inherent sound effect, but the extraneous mouth noise or sound effect still noticeably distracts from the line of dialogue or main focus of action.
Issue An audio tick that cannot be reasonably attributed to any actor’s performance or any other creative element in the scene and is audibly distracting during normal playback of the full mix
Blocker N/A
How to Prevent Full review of all audio elements as they interact with each other in the final mix.  Manually “clean up” any extraneous audio ticks.
How to Fix

If dialogue is affected, replace with either alternate production audio or ADR. If effects tracks are affected, audio tick should be masked with foley effects or room tone.  If music is affected, consider replacing with clean music tracks.  

Isolate audio tick, and perform a decrackle/depop to remove.  Keep in mind, this should not significantly alter the final mix. 

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