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Audio Upcut
Display Text Audio Upcut
Description "Audio Upcut" is when an audio edit occurs in the middle of dialogue, music, or effects, causing the audio to cut in/cut out abruptly.
Impact Audio Upcut can be distracting to the member experience when an unintentional and abrupt edit occurs in the mix. In cases where the audio cuts in/out abruptly, it may mean creatively intended music, effects, or dialogue is missing.
Severity Assessment Guidance
Issue The full mix or individual dialogue, music, or effects cut in or out abruptly with clear indications that it is not creatively intended and that portions of the mix may be missing as a result.
Blocker N/A
How to Prevent Review all edit points. Check for any abrupt changes mid-scene in the final mix.
How to Fix Audio edits must be adjusted to remove any abrupt cuts in or out and to make any creative transitions more smooth and consistent.
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