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Compression Artifacting
Display Text Compression Artifacting
Description "Compression Artifacting" refers to the degrading of image quality that occurs when lossy compression techniques are applied. This may result in enhanced video noise, blockiness, aliasing, banding, blurring, loss of detail, etc.
Impact Compression Artifacting negatively impacts member experience when a poor quality image is reproduced. Any further downstream lossy compression will enhance any artifacts leading to progressively worse resulting images.
Severity Assessment Guidance


Minor digital activity/noise, aliasing, or other artifacting that does not impact/overly distract from a primary character or the main focus of action.
Issue Enhanced artifacting or macro blocking in portions of or across the entire image. Significant loss of detail or clearly degraded image quality that cannot be attributed to any creatively intended “effect” or “look”.
Blocker N/A
How to Prevent

Verify the source clips are of the best possible quality. Avoid applying lossy compression techniques to source clips whenever possible, outside of what may be required for final delivery.

Check the export settings used to create the source asset and ensure that the proper compression settings were utilized based on the complexity of the image. 

How to Fix Re-export using proper compression settings or utilize alternative compression methods that might yield higher quality results with less impact to the image quality.
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