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Extraneous Content
Display TextExtraneous Content
Description“Extraneous Content” is any additional, unnecessary content included in the program/file. This includes any miscellaneous head/tail build or elements from the DI left in the final file deliverable that do not adhere to the Netflix Delivery Specifications.
ImpactExtraneous content negatively impacts the member experience when content unrelated to the creatively intended program is mistakenly included in the stream they are served. Extraneous content can usually be distinguished from creatively intended program content based on the context of the scene/program.
Severity Assessment Guidance
BlockerFile contains unintended head/tail build or other elements included from the DI and/or online, which should not be part of the final deliverable (e.g. additional black and silence beyond the required specification, slates, color bars, leader, 2-pops, textless material, bumpers, etc.). File contains unintended content from another program.
How to PreventLock video/audio tracks that are not being worked on in order to avoid cross contaminating tracks. Review timeline for incorrect or out of place elements left in the final edit by mistake.
How to FixExtraneous content must be removed or replaced with final content to adhere to the Netflix Delivery Spec.
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