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Freeze Frame
Display Text Freeze Frame
Description A "Freeze Frame" is one or more frames in an image sequence/video repeat without any change, showing the same information as the frames before and/or after it.
Impact Freeze frames can create an unnatural stutter or skip in the on screen action. If freeze frames are frequent or extend over a long duration, it can make the content unwatchable. Freeze frames may indicate a render or encoding error.
Severity Assessment Guidance
Issue A freeze frame or a series of freeze frames cause a noticeable stutter or interruption in the motion of the on-screen action.
Blocker Several freeze frames over an extended duration make it difficult to understand the creatively intended action within a scene/multiple scenes.
How to Prevent

Freeze frames can often be caused by encoding or frame rate conversions. Use professional conversion hardware/software when changing from one frame rate to another.

Avoid using a non-native frame rate source clip in a sequence of a different frame rate.

How to Fix

Freeze frames must be replaced with correct frames to ensure smooth playback.

If freeze frames are the result of a poor frame rate conversion, footage may need to be re-converted using an alternate method.

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