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Audio Hum/Buzz
Display Text Audio Hum/Buzz
Description “Audio Hum/Buzz” is an electrical noise or signal interference typically caused by an electrical ground-loop in the recording signal chain.
Impact Audio Hum/Buzz is distracting to the member experience and can partially or completely obscure intended dialogue, music, or effects. Unintended signal noise will also be duplicated in downstream assets created from the source asset.
Severity Assessment Guidance
FYI Audio hum/buzz is extremely low level in the mix and is barely audible without significantly increasing audio volume/levels. It cannot be ruled out as creative intent, but does not interfere with the creatively intended dialogue/music/effects.
Issue Audio hum/buzz is very audible, either partially or completely obscuring the dialogue/music/effects or occurs over what should be silence and is clearly not creatively intended based on contextual cues.
Blocker N/A
How to Prevent Isolate and eliminate noise caused by a ground loop in an audio circuit using ground loop isolators. This ensures that the shield ground on each audio cable is separated from any equipment ground, which could cause extraneous noise when amplified.
How to Fix Replace the affected audio with wild track tone underneath to remove the hum.
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