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Lens Smudge
Display Text Lens Smudge
Description "Lens Smudge" refers to dirt, oil, debris, etc. physically on the camera lens causing a visible artifact in the captured image.
Impact A lens smudge can distract from the on-screen action. Larger, more prominent instances might even obscure important visual elements or on screen action. 
Severity Assessment Guidance
FYI Smudge is very minor and not overly distracting. It does not occur over a primary character or the main focus of action within a scene.
Issue Smudge is very noticeable over a primary character or the main focus of action within a scene.
Blocker N/A
How to Prevent

Always replace lens covers and put lenses in protective cases when not in use. Clean lenses often, before/after use, and between shots.

If the lens is noticeably dirty, clean and reshoot any affected footage.

How to Fix Use DRS (digital restoration services) or VFX fix to address, if possible.
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