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Lens Flare
Display Text Lens Flare
Description “Lens Flare” is the refraction of light through a camera lens, causing a flash or light glare to be visible in frame.
Impact Lens flares can distract from the on screen action. If severe enough, lens flares may obscure creatively intended visual elements in a shot. In some cases, lens flares may be used as a creative visual effect.
Severity Assessment Guidance
FYI Lens flare is minor and does not obscure primary characters or the main focus of action within a scene.
Issue Lens flare is large or distracting and obscures on screen action.
Blocker N/A
How to Prevent

Avoid direct light shining on the camera lens.

Use appropriate camera hoods and production flags to shield lens from light.

How to Fix Confirm if lens flare is creatively intended. If not, footage must be adjusted to minimize the flare. This may require a re-position of the shot or possible color/VFX fix, depending on where in the frame the lens flare exists and how severe it is.
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