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Luminance Shift/Flicker
Display Text Luminance Shift/Flicker
Description "Luminance Shift/ Flicker" refers to a change/multiple changes in the brightness levels within a shot/scene.
Impact Luminance shift/flicker can distract from the creative on-screen action, and in severe instances, potentially obscure plot pertinent elements.
Severity Assessment Guidance
FYI Source of luminance shifting can reasonably be attributed to an on screen element or is understood based on contextual cues (e.g. strobe lights in a nightclub or character turns away from a practical light source).
Issue Changes in luminance are not reasonably discernible as creative and distract from on screen action.
Blocker N/A
How to Prevent Review for luminance consistency across shots. Apply luminance changes uniformly within each shot and across similar shots whenever possible to minimize abrupt shifts.
How to Fix

Confirm if creative intent or best possible.  Otherwise, affected shots must be regraded to maintain consistent brightness and minimize unnecessary shifting mid-shot.

If abrupt luminance changes are occurring within a DolbyVision trim pass, confirm that your metadata cut points are lining up with your actual cut points. Re-export metadata with inconsistencies corrected.

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