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Audio Mixdown Error
Display Text Audio Mixdown Error
Description "Audio Mixdown Error" is related to the process of combining multiple audio tracks together from a multi-channel or immersive audio format to create a down mix (e.g. creating 5.1 and stereo down mixes from a Dolby Atmos mix with multiple beds and objects). This can result in issues with levels, panning, phase, and/or overall quality with the resulting down mix(es).
Impact Audio mixdown errors negatively impact the member experience when intended elements of the original mix are not faithfully maintained in the resulting downmix. If the mixdown errors result in clipping/distortion or phase errors in the downmix, intended elements may be obscured or missing, which may mean plot pertinent details are lost.
Severity Assessment Guidance
Issue There are clear differences between or errors with audible elements in a native Atmos or 5.1 mix compared to the 5.1 and/or 2.0. This may manifest as audible distortion, unintentional changes in levels/panning/treatment, phase errors, and/or elements of the native Atmos or 5.1 missing from the 5.1 and/or 2.0.
Blocker N/A
How to Prevent Review mixes to ensure consistency and accuracy. Ensure individual track levels are properly adjusted prior to completing the mixdown. Verify export settings and ensure all software and plugins are up to date.
How to Fix Replace missing elements in affected downmix and/or adjust levels.
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