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Pixel Error
Display Text Pixel Error
Description "Pixel Error" refers to one or several pixels in a frame that do not display the correct captured information as the pixels surrounding them. It is sometimes also referred to as a “Dead Pixel.”

Pixel errors are distracting to the member experience, especially when static against a darker background or over the main focus of action. 

They are often due to a bad camera sensor or sensor calibrations. 

Severity Assessment Guidance
FYI A single-frame or static dead pixel is visible with “standard”/unity viewing environment and display settings but is very faint and/or not over a main character or the main focus of action within the scene.
Issue A single-frame or static dead pixel is brightly visible during normal playback against a dark background and/or is over a main character or the main focus of action within the scene.  Several single-frame/static dead pixels across a duration, regardless of whether individual instances would normally be considered extremely minor when isolated.
Blocker N/A
How to Prevent

Complete the camera manufacturer’s suggested procedures for addressing pixel sensor issues like an “Auto Pixel Restoration” or a “Black Shading Calibration.”

Sensors are sensitive electronic components, as such, a good calibration can be negatively impacted by large changes in exposure time (shutter speed) or a significant shift in environmental shooting conditions. The calibration should be done at the camera’s operating temperature. 

Complete a Pixel Check. First capture an image with the lens cap on. Proceed by shooting a well lit white card, then switch to a black card or reduce the aperture on the lens until closed.  Analyze the frames for any dead pixels.

Review darker scenes in which pixel errors may be more noticeable.

How to Fix Pixel errors should be painted out in the highest available source, as applicable (e.g. OCF/dailies/Non-Graded online conform) whenever possible to ensure any fixes also carry over to any subsequent downstream sources and deliverables.
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