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Error Code:

Conversion Lag 


"Standards Conversion Lag" is an artifact generated by converting a segment of video from one frame rate to another.


Standards Conversion Lag impacts the Technical Quality of the Asset. Member experience is negatively impacted by the poor quality conversion, which may be introducing additional artifacts such as ghosting, warping, or blurring. An element derived from this mezzanine will produce poor or unusable quality, and possibly introduce further artifacts.

Severity Structure:

Artifacts exist in both frame by frame and full speed playback; it contains a non I-Frame cadence and interlacing is clearly noticeable. 




Artifacts exist in both frame by frame and full speed playback, contains a non I-Frame cadence, interlacing is noticeable.

How to Prevent:                          

Avoid using a non-native frame rate source clip in a sequence of a different frame rate, the editing software will likely perform a substandard conversion that introduced artifacts.


Use a professional quality hardware or software standards conversion solution when changing from one frame rate to another.

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