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Enhanced Video Noise
Display Text Enhanced Video Noise
Description "Enhanced Video Noise" refers to footage that contains extraneous activity and/or visible distortion/pattern in grain structure; may make image appear blurry or overly “soft”.
Impact Enhanced video noise negatively impacts the member experience, as it can be distracting, at best. If video noise is severe, then the image quality could be so degraded that on-screen action may be obscured.
Severity Assessment Guidance
FYI Some extraneous activity in the noise/grain structure, which may be inherent to source footage, but cannot be definitely confirmed as such based on contextual cues.  Does not overly distract from the story or main focus of action.
Issue Video noise is excessive, overly distracting, and obscures on screen elements.  Scene has distinct “patterns” in the noise structure or noise is partially frozen in some places, indicating a possible noise reduction filter error.
Blocker N/A
How to Prevent

Reduce ISO to recommended ISO settings for the camera. Using ISOs above this value may introduce additional noise.  Using different ISOs to manage lighting changes from shot to shot will introduce inconsistencies in noise between shots.

Make sure to use enough lighting during production to prevent grain from underexposure.

Review a single quadrant of your image, if noise is significantly inconsistent or enhanced.

How to Fix

See if shot can be replaced with an alternate shot where lighting is better/ ISO is lower. Otherwise, see if a noise reduction filter can be applied in post. 

Post production “denoise” usually samples a solid texture for noise and allows the manipulation of the overall noise structure for the image.  Be aware that this can defocus the image or induce other errors, such as “frozen” grain or distortion/ patterning in the noise structure, which may be more detrimental to the quality of the image.

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