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Audio Channel Bleed
Display Text Audio Channel Bleed
Description "Audio Channel Bleed" is an error where information from one or more audio channels leaks into another channel(s).
Impact Audio Channel Bleed negatively impacts the member experience when unintended sound dialogue, music, and/or effects playback from unexpected channels. It can create a disconnect between the audio and intended visuals and/or obscure the creatively intended elements within a mix.
Severity Assessment Guidance
Issue Portions of the mix for one or more audio channels can clearly be heard playing back out of unexpected channels based on contextual cues.
Blocker N/A
How to Prevent

Ensure there’s sufficient sound proofing, microphone placement, and internal shielding for audio recording equipment to minimize the risk of audio channel bleed.

Review all audio busing before printing to avoid dual bussing what should be separate channels.

How to Fix Re-print the audio with the correct busing, if possible.
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