Welcome to the Netflix Partner Help Center. Have a question or need help with an issue? Send us a ticket and we'll help you to a resolution.

What exactly is happening?

Individuals who have not logged in to any of the Netflix Studio applications in over 12 months will have their access removed.  Users who have logged into one or more apps in the last 12 months will not lose any access.


What should someone do if they need to get their access reinstated? 

Users having access issues should reach out to their Netflix contact to re-onboard them to the application(s) needed. 


Who is this update going to affect?

This will affect anyone who uses Netflix Studio Apps but will only impact someone if they haven’t logged in in over 12 months.


Is this a one-time thing?

This is not a one-time thing and will apply to all users going forward.


How often will this access removal “Clean up” be done?

Starting Jan 31, the dormant user cleanup will happen in batches of 10K a week for 8 weeks. Following this, the dormant user clean-up will be run on a monthly cycle. 


Will users lose any pre-existing data or access to files if their access is removed but then reinstated?

Users will not permanently lose access to any pre-existing data or files/folders if the access is reinstated.

Note: For any problems or errors encountered within the Starship Application - please submit a support ticket through the Starship app.

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