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Keep Up to Date

Keeping your computer’s operating system and applications up to date is critical in protecting your data. Enable Automatic Updates, and reboot when prompted. Windows 10 configures this by default, where on Mac you’ll need to enable it. Also ensure all applications are updated.  Latest versions can be found here - Mac, Windows.



We strongly recommend that the hard drives be encrypted; on Mac that’s called FileVault and on Windows, Bitlocker


Screen Lock & Saver

Machines need to be locked when not in use. Set a passphrase to log into your account, disable any automatic logins (Mac), and set your screensaver to turn on after 5 minutes of inactivity (Windows, Mac). Make sure a passphrase is required to unlock.



Both Windows and Mac have built-in firewalls - Windows has this turned on automatically, while Mac users should turn it on.



Both Windows and Mac contain antivirus capabilities to protect against malware. We do not recommend the use of third party antivirus programs as they can cause conflicts with the integrated tools and offer little to no added protection.


Remote Access 

Using programs like Remote Desktop (Windows), Remote Login (Mac), or Logmein, can be convenient,  it also gives an attacker an entryway to your device. We do not recommend the use of any such programs. For additional guidance, please reach out to us.


Guest Accounts

On Mac, ensure that Guest Users cannot log into your machine. 


Lost/Stolen Devices

Any lost or stolen device should be reported as soon as possible. Please report by submitting a ticket to Production Support or email InfoSec directly. 

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