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LOCKED BUDGET - The total project budget at the lock date

VFX Locked Vendor Budget Gross Total Episodic or Vendor Budget Gross Netflix manual entry at lock or block lock/Total from Locked Budget Detail
VFX Locked Non-Vendor Budget Gross Total Overhead/Non-Vendor Budget Gross Netflix manual entry at lock or block lock/Total from Locked Budget Detail
VFX Locked Budget Gross The sum of Vendor Budget + Non-Vendor Budget Gross Calculated SUM of Locked Vendor Budget + Locked Non-Vendor Budget
VFX Locked Budget Tax Incentive Locked Budget Tax Incentive, displays as (-) negative number Netflix manual entry at lock or block lock/Total from Locked Budget Detail
VFX Locked Budget Net The sum of VFX Locked Budget Gross and VFX Locked Budget Tax Incentive Calculated SUM of VFX Locked Budget Gross and VFX Locked Budget Tax Incentive


COST REPORT APPROVED EFC - Sum of the actual and estimated costs to complete the project from Cost Report

VFX Cost Report Vendor EFC Gross Total Vendor EFC from Cost Report Netflix manual entry/Total from Cost Report Approved EFC Detail
VFX Cost Report Non-Vendor EFC Gross Total Overhead/Non-Vendor EFC from Cost Report Netflix manual entry/Total from Cost Report Approved EFC Detail
VFX Cost Report EFC Gross Vendor and Non-Vendor EFC Gross Costs Calculated SUM of Vendor EFC + Non-Vendor from Cost Report
VFX Cost Report Estimated Tax Incentive Cost Report Tax Incentive displays as a (-) negative number Netflix manual entry/Total from Cost Report Approved EFC Detail
VFX Cost Report EFC Net Net Cost Report EFC Calculated SUM of VFX Cost Report EFC Gross + VFX Cost Report Estimated Tax Incentive


PROJECTED TOTALS - Projected final costs to complete the project

VFX Projected Final Vendor Costs Gross All Vendor Projected Final Costs and Contracted Calculated SUM of Total Contracted and Total Projected to Award from Projected Vendor Cost Detail
VFX Projected Final Non-Vendor Costs Gross All Non-Vendor Projected Final Costs Calculated SUM of Total Projected to Award from Projected Non-Vendor Cost Detail
VFX Projected Final Costs, Gross Both Vendor and Non-Vendor Projected Final Costs Calculated SUM of Projected Vendor Costs + Projected Non-Vendor Costs
VFX Projected Final Tax Incentive Both Vendor and Non-Vendor Projected Final Tax Incentive Calculated SUM of Tax Credit Estimate from Projected Vendor and Non-Vendor Cost Detail
VFX Projected Final Costs Net Net Projected Final Costs Calculated SUM of VFX Projected Final Costs Gross + VFX Projected Final Tax Incentive


POTENTIAL (OVERAGES)/SAVINGS - The current potential overage or savings

VFX Projected Vendor Variance to Cost Report EFC Gross (Over)/Under The variance between Cost Report and Projected Costs, (-) negative number is over and (+) positive is under Calculated SUM of VFX Cost Report Vendor EFC Gross - VFX Projected Final Vendor Costs Gross
VFX Projected Non-Vendor Variance to Cost Report EFC Gross (Over)/Under The variance between Cost Report and Projected Costs, (-) negative number is over and (+) positive is under Calculated SUM of VFX Cost Report Non-Vendor EFC Gross - VFX Projected Final Non-Vendor Costs Gross
VFX Projected Variance to Cost Report EFC Gross (Over)/Under The variance between Cost Report and Projected Costs, (-) negative number is over and (+) positive is under Calculated SUM of VFX Cost Report EFC Gross - VFX Projected Final Costs Gross
VFX Projected Tax Incentive Variance to Cost Report Estimate (Over)/Under The variance between Cost Report and Projected Costs, (-) negative number is over and (+) positive is under Calculated SUM of VFX Cost Report Estimated Tax Incentive - VFX Projected Final Tax Incentive
VFX Projected Variance to Cost Report EFC Net (Over)/Under The variance between Cost Report and Projected Costs, (-) negative number is over and (+) positive is under Calculated SUM of VFX Cost Report EFC Net - VFX Projected Final Costs Net


PROJECTED TAX INCENTIVES - Tracks any tax incentives for Vendors based on territory and incentive % 

Tax Incentive Name Typically the name of the vendor and location Manual entry
Tax Incentive % % incentive entered as a number Manual entry
Location Location of the tax incentive Drop Down Menu
Estimated Spend Estimated amount spent for Territory Calculated SUM of Estimated Spend for Territory
Estimated Tax Incentive The estimated amount of tax incentive for the Territory Calculated SUM of Estimated Spend for Territory * Tax Credit %


PROJECTED VENDOR COST DETAIL (SERIES) / SHOTS & ASSETS (FILM) - Contracted and Projected Costs on a show grouped by Vendor; Vendors can have multiple Cost Details

Vendor Vendor Manual entry/Import from Contract Tracker
Episode or Amort Link to either an Episode or an Amort Manual entry/Import from Contract Tracker
Contracted The amount that Vendor has acquired per Episode/Amort Import from Contract Tracker
Projected to Award The amount that is projected to award to Vendor per Episode/Amort Manual entry
Tax Incentive Link to Vendor Tax Incentive (if applicable) Manual entry


PROJECTED NON-VENDOR COST DETAIL - The detail of Costs for Non-Vendors, can be as granular as needed

Account Description Account Description from Cost Report Manual entry
Account Account number from Cost Report Manual entry
Episode or Amort Link to either an Episode or an Amort Manual entry
Committed Similar to Contracted, but for Non-Vendor costs, it is a manual field Manual entry
Uncommitted Amount projected to be committed Manual entry
Tax Incentive Link to Vendor Tax Incentive (if applicable) Manual entry


EXPOSURE - Additional VFX costs arising from shooting

Exposure ID Numerical and sequential Exposure item Manual entry/Import from CSV
Description Explanation of the exposure item Manual entry/Import from CSV
Type Hot Cost or Potential types of Exposures Manual entry/Import from CSV
Status Pending or Resolved Statuses Manual entry
Total Hot Cost Exposure Pending Total Hot Cost Exposure Pending Calculation SUM of all Hot Cost Exposures Pending
Total Potential Exposure Pending Total Potential Exposure Pending Calculation SUM of all Potential Exposures Pending


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