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We have provided users a quick and easy way to view Requests currently in SASS. Previously, to view requests that are in SASS, users had to manually select the following fields within the filter:

Authoring Requests in SASS:

  • Netflix Review Period = Released to Vendor
  • Manual Assignment = Not Needed 
  • Status = Ready to Author
  • Author = Is not Assigned

QC Requests in SASS:

  • Netflix Review Perios = Released to Vendor
  • Manual Assignment = Not Needed 
  • Status = Ready to QC
  • QCer = Is not Assigned

If a user didn’t have these filters saved, they would have to manually select them every time they needed to view Requests that were in SASS.

Now, with the addition of the Suggested Filters, users are given the option to select common sets of filters! The first Suggested Filters we are introducing are Authoring Requests in SASS and QC Requests in SASS. Once selected, the new filter will be added to the users Saved Filters list.




Once a user Accepts the suggestion by clicking on it, the “Suggested for you” will not appear again. Or, if a user would like to decline the Suggested Filter and remove it from the list, they may click the trash can icon to the right of the Suggested or saved filter.

*Note - If a user deletes a suggested filter, there is no way to automatically re-populate the suggested filter. They will have to manually select the filters and save them again.

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