Error Code:
Error Message:
The caption has exceeded maximum character limit of 23.0.
Line contains 23.5 characters.
00:03:44.8750000 => 00:03:48.0000000: 但是已經確定「夜襲(Night Raid)」的基地
The maximum number of characters for a single line has been exceeded. The error message will provide the hard limit for the language in question, the number of characters per line found within the event(s) that breach the hard limit and also the timecode and contents of the affected event.
There are different limits for specific languages (if a language is not listed below it means there is no hard limit currently set):
Korean: 23 - Half-width punctuation and spaces being counted as 0.5 characters.
Chinese: 23 - Half-width punctuation and spaces being counted as 0.5 characters.
Arabic: 50 - Spaces counted as 1 character.
Edit the affected event(s) to fall within the specified maximum limit.