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1. Introduction

Some productions may require additional VFX Wrap Assets to be delivered beyond the core assets outlined in the Post Production Branded Delivery Specifications. This document outlines requirements for such assets.  If you’re unsure if your production requires these assets for delivery, please reference your production’s Delivery List and reach out to your Netflix point of contact.


2. Situational VFX Wrap Assets

2.1 Promo Materials

VFX Promo Materials should be provided using the following guideline:

  • Material that can be leveraged for BTS Footage/Stills should be provided in their native capture format or at the best available quality/resolution.
  • Before and After, WIP or test reels should be included along with their vendor/facility information.
  • Marketing/trailer finals or awards submissions should be archived in the deliverable format requested by the Marketing/PR/Awards teams.

2.2 Background Plates

VFX background plates should be provided using the following guideline:

  • Footage/Stills should be provided in their native capture format or at the best available quality/resolution.
  • Include generic driving, helicopter/drone and environment plates only.
  • HDRI Lighting Reference files should be named in a manner that clearly describes what they are and should be organized in a folder structure with accompanying elements (e.g. skies/aerial plates).

For further format requirements, reference the VFX Plates section from the Post Production Branded Delivery Specifications:

VFX plates must be in one of the following file formats: 


  • 16-bit EXR (.exr) if color pipeline is ACES, or if the pull color pipeline is set to a Camera Linear color space (such as Linear AWG / Alexa Wide Gamut).
  • EXR can be uncompressed or use lossless compression (i.e. ZIP or PIZ).
  • 16-bit DPX (.dpx) when the pull color pipeline is set to a Camera Log color space (such as LogC).
  • 10-bit DPX (.dpx) ONLY when the primary capture format was 10-bit Log.
  • LOG EXRs will not be accepted.
  • Zipped files/directories will not be accepted.
  • For more information on VFX plates/pulls please review VFX Best Practices and VFX Plate Naming Best Practices.

2.3 2D Elements

VFX 2D elements should be provided using the following guideline:

  • Footage/Stills should be provided in their native capture format or at the best available quality/resolution.
  • Include generic real world elements that are filmed, not computer generated.



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