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For Games Localization Partners only:

With the new TMX upload capability, internal Netflix and external vendor managers can upload TMX files directly to Netflix TM. This request was a joint priority for games and TM. The first release unblocks game titles. It will enable game linguists to reference game TM when localizing other related components, such as synopsis, notifications, and achievements. 


How to Upload

  1. Go to Localization Management Tools: https://localization-lucid.netflix.com/tools/upload-TM-file
  2. Search or enter a game title. The title field has automatically filtered down to only game titles  (not streaming titles).
  3. Asset Type is currently locked as “Mixed/In-Game”, in order to properly categorize the TM domain.
  4. Attach one or multiple TMX files.


      5. Review the information in the confirmation box before proceeding. Once the upload starts, it cannot be reverted. 

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  • Why did my file fail to upload?
    • Answer: When files fail to upload, you could hover over the red exclamation mark icon to explore the reasons why.

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  • What happens if I uploaded two different TMX files for the same game and locale?
    • Answer: when uploading a TMX file to the TM, the “srcDocId” field in the TMX file is used to define which game and locale this file should be written into. In other words, the newly uploaded TMX file will overwrite the previous upload.


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