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QC Level fix, Netflix Review Period update, and Allocation Reason visibility.


QC Level Fix

To ensure accuracy, you’ll see more clear and straightforward QC Level information in the CLP. 


What's New

  • The QC Level column is now accurate - no need for workarounds.
  • You will continue to see "No Loc QC" for Language Templates, maintaining consistency across the tool.
  • Removal of the “Force Loc QC” Column: With these updates ensuring accurate display of QC statuses, the separate “Force Loc QC” column will be removed from the tool, simplifying your interface further.




Allocation Reason Visibility

We've updated our allocation reasons and descriptions to make them more visible and clearer for partners to understand why a request was allocated to them.

  • DTT Allocation Partner column has a tooltip that displays the most recent reason for assigning resources to the request. This could be either:
    • An automatic reason based on the season and language
    • A manual reason if the Netflix partner specifically changed the allocation for this request.


  • The history modal will reflect the same info  as the tooltip - For example, if the request was initially set automatically but then the Netflix partner manually reassigned it, the system will show the manual reason since it was the last action taken.



  • Partners who are no longer allocated will receive an email notifying them when they are removed from the allocation


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