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This article outlines best practices for folder structure and naming conventions when delivering editorial media for archive to Content Hub.

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Editorial Media for Archive 

  • Must maintain original folder structure from dailies or editorial system.
  • Any non-dailies source material should be included (GoPro, stills, licensed footage, etc).
  • Maintain the same names as the original project. This will make it easier to relink and locate items should the need arise later.
  • It’s recommended that all media files should remain unzipped prior to the delivery. Please contact your Netflix representative, should you encounter any upload issues (which may warrant delivering in a zipped format.). The limit on the number of files in a single upload is 250,000. If the file count exceeds 250,000, you will need to split the files up and upload in batches. It is best to split by directories rather than splitting by files within a folder whenever possible. Uploads will be batched into chunks of 25K files in Aspera. Therefore a batch of 100k files show up as 4 separate uploads in the Aspera transfer window.

For Editorial Cut Turnover Specifications see Content Hub - Editorial Cut Turnover Specifications.








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