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Main title and episode title translation in subtitles and dubbing

If Netflix is providing translations for main and episode titles (please see below for when that is the case), they are made available in the KNP at the start of the localization process when content is available. Please contact your Netflix representative if the titles are not there within the expected timeline.

Please do not translate freely if a translation is not available: only use the approved and cleared title supplied by Netflix.

Main Titles

  • Only subtitle main titles for Netflix branded content.
  • Refer to the TTSG of the target language for language-specific instructions.
  • Subtitle the on-screen main title when the approved title for the language you are working into is available in KNP/Terminology and it does not match the title which appears in the content.
  • Do not translate the main title from scratch: always use the approved title provided.
  • Do not subtitle when the on-screen main title and the approved title for the target language are identical and fully match (e.g. the on-screen title is already in the target language or the title is not being translated into the target language).
  • Subtitle when the approved title for the target language contains a part that is transliterated, translated, transcreated or edited and does not fully match the on-screen main title.
  • When the provided translation of the main title does not work with a line break in a way that fits within the limit, the maximum character count per line or maximum line limit can be exceeded. Do not split the provided translation into multiple subtitle events.
  • As with all forced narratives, aim to sync the main title subtitle with the appearance of the main title on-screen. That is to say, set the in-time of the main title subtitle to the first frame of the title appearing on-screen and the out-time in sync with the last frame of the title. When titles fade in or out, experiment with different timings and aim for sync between the title and main title graphic.
  • Refer to the TTSG of the target language to see more details and localized examples.


Episodic Titles

  • For branded assets:
    • If on screen and/or voiced over, refer to KNP for Netflix provided translations
    • If not on screen or voiced over, do not translate in subs or dubs
  • For non-branded assets:
    • If on screen, do not translate in subs or dubs
    • If voiced over, translate but check KNP first for existing translations
      • If KNP is not available, translate freely
    • If mentioned in dialogue, refer to the KNP and check for existing translations
      • if KNP is not available, translate freely

Episodic title on screen and voiced over examples:

“A Berry Big Mystery” from True and the Rainbow Kingdom"


"Pup Pup Goose" from Paw Patrol

Episode is part of the principal photography:


Regardless of main title and episode title translation, it is best practice to check the KNP at the start of localization for any existing translations that may have been used in other Netflix properties, e.g. marketing trailers.

Change log

2024-04-05 - article edited to remove references to different treatments for Korean content vs. non-Korean content

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