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Best Practices: Branded & Non-Branded IMF Deliveries

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There may be cases when a title is a Netflix Original in some territories, but not all. In these scenarios, a partner is asked to deliver two versions for a single title: one with Netflix branding and one without. This document outlines best practices for these cases.


  • Branded: Packages that contain the Netflix presentation credit at the head. A good example is the “A Netflix Series” card that appears ahead of a series episode. This card should not be mistaken for the Netflix Ident which is not delivered within the IMF.
  • Non-Branded: Packages that do not include any kind of Netflix credit.
  • Primary: The original version package containing a Composition Playlist (CPL), Packing List (PKL), Asset Map and all of the picture and sound elements (MXF Track Files) required to assemble the full program.
  • Supplemental: A version package containing an updated CPL, Asset Map, PKL and only the additional picture and sound elements (MXF Track Files) required to fix or make changes. The supplemental is created from the primary IMF/timeline and reuses previously delivered MXF Track File(s).


Each version needs to be uploaded to its own, unique, Backlot Source Request Package ID (PKID). These versions can be identified by using the Tags column within your Backlot Dashboard.

In the image below, you’ll notice that one of the requests is tagged as “Auto Ident.” This tag is used to indicate when a request is a branded request and tells our system to automatically stitch the Netflix logo onto the package once it has fully processed in our system.



Scenario 1 - Branded delivery first, Non-Branded later

For most projects that require branded and non-branded versions, the delivery date of the non-branded version will be later than the branded version, allowing partners to implement all QC fixes and creative updates into the branded version before creating the non-branded version.

Workflow Example

  1. Create a full program, primary IMF package that includes the Netflix presentation credit at the start.
  2. Deliver this primary branded IMF to its specified Backlot Source Request Package ID (PKID).
  3. If a fix is needed - open the branded IMF in your authoring tool, apply the fix on the timeline then export as a supplemental (branded VF1).
  4. Deliver this branded supplemental IMF to the same Backlot Source Request PKID.
  5. Upon QC approval of the branded IMF, where all fixes and updates have been successfully implemented, open the branded VF1 in your authoring tool, remove the Netflix presentation credit, making sure to leave the required second of black before the program, then generate the non-branded supplemental IMF package. It may be that this process requires creative video or audio edits due to different production logos, card order or possible dialogue/music cue changes .  Please speak with your Netflix Representatives if unsure, particularly for any creative audio changes.
  6. Deliver this non-branded supplemental to its own, unique, specified Backlot Source Request PKID.

Composition Playlist (CPL) Examples

Branded VF1

<cc:MainImageSequence xmlns:cc="http://www.smpte-ra.org/schemas/2067-2/2016">
<Resource xsi:type="TrackFileResourceType">
<EditRate>24000 1001</EditRate>
<Resource xsi:type="TrackFileResourceType">
<EditRate>24000 1001</EditRate>
<Resource xsi:type="TrackFileResourceType">
<EditRate>24000 1001</EditRate>

We can see that the Non-Branded supplemental CPL snippet (below) contains all of the exact same Track File Ids as the Branded VF1 package (above), except there is now an Entry Point of 96 frames specified for the OV track. This new Entry Point tells our system to use the tracks that were already delivered for the branded version, but to start the new encode from the 96th frame (after the Netflix presentation credit).  

Note, it may be that the card removal process requires creative video or audio edits due to different production logos, card order or possible dialogue/music cue changes .  Please speak with your Netflix Representatives if unsure, particularly for any creative audio changes.


Non-Branded Supplemental 

<cc:MainImageSequence xmlns:cc="http://www.smpte-ra.org/schemas/2067-2/2016">
<Resource xsi:type="TrackFileResourceType">
<EditRate>24000 1001</EditRate>
<Resource xsi:type="TrackFileResourceType">
<EditRate>24000 1001</EditRate>
<Resource xsi:type="TrackFileResourceType">
<EditRate>24000 1001</EditRate>




Scenario 2 - Branded and Non-Branded Delivery around the same time

Initial Package Creation

If you are expected to deliver the branded and non-branded packages around the same time, you can cut down on processing time by creating the non-branded version as a supplemental of the branded package. As in the Scenario 1 example, the original track files will not need to be re-encoded or re-wrapped. Instead, the supplemental IMF will contain only updated XMLs. The supplemental Composition Playlist (CPL) will reference the original tracks but will define a new start time, which should be after the Netflix presentation credit and one second before the start of program.

Note, it may be that the card removal process requires creative video or audio edits due to different production logos, card order or possible dialogue/music cue changes .  Please speak with your Netflix Representatives if unsure, particularly for any creative audio changes.

Composition Playlist (CPL) Examples

In the following example, you’ll notice the video Track File Id of the Branded primary IMF and the video Track File Id of the Non-Branded supplemental are an exact match. The only difference is that the Non-Branded supplemental specifies a new Entry Point of 96 frames.

Branded Primary Package

<cc:MainImageSequence xmlns:cc="http://www.smpte-ra.org/schemas/2067-2/2016">
<Resource xsi:type="TrackFileResourceType">
<EditRate>24000 1001</EditRate>

Non-Branded Supplemental Package

<cc:MainImageSequence xmlns:cc="http://www.smpte-ra.org/schemas/2067-2/2016">
<Resource xsi:type="TrackFileResourceType">
<EditRate>24000 1001</EditRate>


Because each of the above packages represent a different version, it is important that all fixes are implemented in both versions, resulting in two supplementals for a single fix. The fix workflow should run as follows:

1. Open your branded IMF in your authoring tool, apply the fix on the timeline then export as a supplemental (branded VF1).

2. Open the non-branded IMF in your authoring tool, insert the same fix on the timeline, then export as a supplemental (non-branded VF1).









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Updated images and content for clarity.


Added "Additional Resources" section.

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