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Audio Skip
Display Text Audio Skip
Description "Audio skip" is the momentary interruption of an audio signal in an audio mix, channel or track. Can also refer to an extraneous dip in the levels of a single element dialogue, music, or effects element in the mix.
Impact Audio Skip negatively impacts the member experience, when an unintentional dip/break in the audio levels occurs. 
Severity Assessment Guidance
FYI The audio levels across one or more channels dip momentarily, but signal is still visible on an audio phase scope/meter. Audio skip cannot be ruled out as creative intent based on contextual cues, but is largely non-disruptive and does not cause plot pertinent details to be lost.
Issue The audio levels across one or more channels dip momentarily, but signal is still visible on an audio phase scope/meter. Audio skip is very audible and distracting.
Blocker N/A
How to Prevent Review audio to monitor for discrepancies. Check phase scope and audio meter for dips in the signal.
How to Fix Smooth out any interruptions in the audio signal and re-export as needed.
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