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Netflix Production Technology & Operations (PT&O) has created a submission form for collecting both passed and failed Photosensitive Epilepsy (PSE) test results. This allows for results to be more easily tracked and surfaced for a potential warning in the Netflix UI, as photosensitivity testing may be completed at various stages of production.


Only Netflix original animated and anime productions require PSE testing at this time. Select live action titles may be flagged by Netflix as “requiring testing” based on key risk factors. This article is intended for these productions or partners who may be conducting testing on their behalf. 


This procedure also applies to Netflix Branded Content QC partners. These partners should only perform PSE testing when requested by a Netflix PT&O Specialist.


Please note that testing thresholds must match those outlined by the ITU BT-1702 specification. Final testing only needs to be completed on an HDR master or SDR trim. Further details on final testing requirements are provided here. Approved testing tools are noted in the appendix below.



Please complete the linked Google Form to submit completed test results to Netflix, regardless of pass or fail status. If a partner is running tests on your content, please ask them to fill out this form after completing a PSE test. Netflix episode or standalone movie IDs can be obtained from your Netflix PT&O Specialist if needed.


For Netflix Branded Content QC Partners: This form will also be required for PSE tests that are conducted upon request from a Netflix PT&O Specialist. In these cases, movie ID can be obtained from the request information panel under “metadata”:


After the first part of the form is complete, there are two optional sections. The first optional section is for you to provide a summary of any warnings or errors found during PSE testing. 



These are often summarized on the report output from popular PSE testing tools, in a section that resembles the example below:


The final optional section will link to you a portal for uploading your PSE test report or certificate to Netflix. Before or after completing upload using this separate form, please be sure to enter its filename in this section, so that reports can be correlated with the testing results Netflix has received.



For any questions relating to PSE testing or timelines, please contact your Netflix Post Production or PT&O representative. Please see the appendix below for list of approved testing tools.




Please note that non-current versions of these products can be used, but may be unable to evaluate HDR content for PSE errors. Even while generally supporting automated QC evaluation of HDR content, some testing tools specifically do not contain testing algorithms compatible with ITU 1702 HDR testing standards. Please consult your product manual, product support, or Netflix PT&O Specialist, if you are unsure of which formats your product version supports.


Additionally, because spatial pattern parameters are not defined in older versions of the ITU 1702 standard, please take care to ensure that spatial pattern evaluation is enabled when running PSE testing.

As stated above, tools that require content upload and use of third party managed cloud storage or compute resources should not be used.


Company Products HDR Capable?
Cambridge Research Systems FPA Desktop Yes1
FPA Server
HardingFPA FX Plug-In No
Telestream Aurora   Yes2
Interra Baton Yes
Venera Pulsar Professional w/ Harding PSE Option Yes
Pulsar Standard w/ Harding PSE Option
Pulsar Basic w/ Harding PSE Option
Pulsar PPU3
LWKS QScan Yes
  1. The ability to test HDR content, as well as 4K content, requires an optional add-on.
  2. May require addition of Harding FPA license.
  3. Source specs may affect billing rates.



3/3/25: Updated to include expectations around testing HDR content, reflect changes in the Asset QC UI, and refresh "Accepted PSE Testing Tools" section.

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