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Netflix IMSC 1.1 Text Profile


Netflix requires that IMSC1.1 timed text content delivered to Netflix be compliant to the subset of the IMSC 1.1 Text Profile, as defined in this document. This new profile is called “IMSC 1.1 Netflix Text Profile”. It is identified by the following in the W3C’s TTML Profile Registry:

Profile Name Profile Designator Profile Identifier
IMSC 1.1 Netflix Text



The use of the profile identifier is not required, but encouraged in the ttp:contentProfiles attribute.


  1. This profile represents an immutable set of features. The next versions of the profile are intended to be supersets of this one and would have a different namespace, with the version number incremented e.g.: (text/1, text/2, text/3, etc.)

  2. IMSC1.1 is only a valid delivery format for Japanese language timed-text documents at this time.  Support for IMSC1.1. deliveries in additional languages will be added to our delivery specifications as they become available.  

Feature restrictions and recommendations

The following table provides restrictions or recommendations for the permitted features of IMSC1.1 that are relevant for documents (i.e. processor features like #lineBreak-UAX14 are not listed). “Prohibited” means that deliveries containing this feature will be rejected. “Should not be used” means that deliveries will be accepted but the feature might not be respected. 

IMSC 1.1 Text Profile feature

Restriction or Recommendation

#animation Prohibited
#animation-version-2 Prohibited



Should not be used

Should not be used
#bidi Only permitted for right to left languages, prohibited otherwise
#bidi-version-2 Only permitted for right to left languages , prohibited otherwise
#cellResolution Should not be used
#color Should not be used
#content Permitted
#contentProfiles Use of ttp:contentProfiles is recommended over ttp:profile as indicated in IMSC1.1. IMSC1.1 Text Profile designator must be present, and Netflix profile designator (as above) should be present.
#core Permitted.

The xml:lang attribute should indicate the primary language of the document at the tt level.  Acceptable xml:lang values can be found in the appendix of both our Original and Licensed Content Delivery Specifications.  Words non translated (according to our Timed Text Style Guides) should be identified with a specific xml:lang attribute on a span element. xml:space is permitted but should be used with care. In particular, only 4 characters (0xA, 0xD, 0x9 and 0x20) are considered whitespace per XML and IMSC.
#direction Only permitted for right to left languages. Prohibited otherwise.
#disparity Should not be used



Should not be used




#displayAspectRatio Should not be used

Should not be used.

If specified, the tts:fontFamily should be equal to proportionalSansSerif
#fontSize Only the following values are permitted: 50%, 100% (default), 150%, 200%. Other values should not be used.
#fontStyle Permitted
#fontStyle-italic Permitted; however, Japanese documents shall use #shear to achieve the italicization effect.
#fontStyle-oblique Should not be used
Should not be used
#initial Permitted
#layout Permitted
#length Permitted
#length-cell Should not be used
#length-em      Permitted
#length-integer Permitted
#length-negative Should not be used
#length-percentage    Permitted
#length-pixel Permitted
#length-positive Permitted
#length-real     Permitted
#length-root-container-relative Permitted
#length-version-2 Permitted
#lineHeight Should not be used
#luminanceGain Should not be used

#nested-div Should not be used
#nested-span Permitted

Should not be used
#origin Permitted
Should not be used

Should not be used
#position Permitted
#profile Should not be used
#profile-full-version-2 See #contentProfiles
#profile-version-2 See #contentProfiles
#region-timing Prohibited

Permitted only in Japanese documents. Prohibited otherwise.
#set Prohibited
#shear Permitted only in Japanese documents. Prohibited otherwise
#showBackground Should not be used


#textCombine Permitted only in Japanese documents. Prohibited otherwise.

Should not be used
Permitted only in Japanese documents. Prohibited otherwise
#textOutline    Should not be used
#textOutline-unblurred            Should not be used
#textShadow Should not be used
#tickRate Permitted
#timeBase-media Permitted
#timeContainer Prohibited

Should not be used
Only permitted for left-to-right languages. Prohibited otherwise. 

Should not be used
#wrapOption Should not be used
#writingMode Permitted, but values are restricted depending on the language of the document
#writingMode-horizontal-lr Permitted
#writingMode-horizontal-rl Permitted only for left-to-right languages. Prohibited otherwise.
#writingMode-vertical Permitted only for Japanese.
Prohibited otherwise.
#zIndex Prohibited
#activeArea     Prohibited
#altText Prohibited
#aspectRatio Prohibited
#fillLineGap Should not be used
#forcedDisplay Prohibited
#linePadding Should not be used
#multiRowAlign Permitted
#progressivelyDecodable Prohibited


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