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Netflix has a preferred format template for providing media embedded information such as slates and overlays on media deliveries by VFX vendors. This guide has the information you’ll need to get started using our template. Please refer to the full documentation for further details.



The VFX Slates & Overlays package includes: full documentation, a Nuke template (.nk), a Photoshop template (.psd), and example files - Download Link.



All submissions should have a slate frame included in the same resolution and format as the media. 

  • Slates should be on the first frame of the media and be 1 frame in duration.
  • Slates should include a thumbnail frame.
  • All fields and features should be inside of the final picture area.
  • A guide should be shown to indicate the final picture area on the slate frame.
  • You may add a vendor logo.


The following fields should be included on each slate:

VFX Slates & Overlays Standard Fields
Field Name Description
Show The show codename
Submitting for Submission intent of the version [WIP, FINAL]
Version Name The name of the version
Date Date in format YYYY-MM-DD
Shot/Asset Types The list of shot types
VFX Scope of Work The total VFX scope of work
Submission Note Vendor’s note to production
Vendor Vendor‘s name (required) and location (optional)
Shot/Asset Name The name of the shot/asset
Frames The first-last (duration) of the media
Media Color The colorspace the media is in (i.e., rec709/show lut or other information about color that needs to be conveyed)
Additional Show-Specific Fields


If an IVY workflow sheet is being used for your production, it should be considered the source for the slate field requirements.


Sample Slate



Overlays (aka burn-ins or chyrons) should be included on all non-final media, unless otherwise specified by Editorial or Production.

  • Overlays should not be 100% white.
  • Overlays should be inside of any letterboxing.

Overlay fields and positioning should be:





Version Name




Overlay Example


In this example, there is no letterboxing, so the slate fields are overlaid on the image. If there is already a letterbox applied to the video, then overlays should be kept inside the letterbox and not overlap the image.



The VFX Slates & Overlays .zip package includes reference templates that have been implemented in both Nuke and Photoshop. 



The Nuke slate template has been created with v10.5, but should be backwards compatible and is provided as a single group node with fields to provide all of the inputs. The Nuke template has a configuration tab that can be used to set options for slate size, final cropping, fonts and scaling. The template automatically removes any non-required fields that are blank and automatically crops any fields that are too long. Both of these behaviors are configurable per field on the field groups inside the template. Hover over the knobs to find more information on each function. A Nuke overlay template has been provided as well, with controls for sizing and color.



The Photoshop templates have been provided to implement the template in other applications such as After Effects. All fields and text areas are provided in layers and laid out for a UHD frame with no final crop. Sizing adjustments may be needed, based on the deliverable format. The photoshop slate template indicates the area for the thumbnail and vendor logo.





British English

Español (España)

Español (LatinAmerica)












Change Logs

  • 11/19/2021: Added Thai + Indonesian articles
  • 11/18/2021: Added British English language translation
  • 11/09/2021: Removed Cut Overlays
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