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Effects Out of Sync
Display Text Effects Out of Sync
Description “Effects Out of Sync” refers to instances where there is a noticeable offset between sound effects and the associated on-screen action. 

Impact Member experience can be negatively impacted when there is a perceptible offset of sound effects, potentially taking a viewer’s attention away from the story. If present in original language mix assets, this issue could be replicated in downstream assets such as dubbed audio.
Severity Assessment Guidance
FYI Instance is perceptually detectable when playing back the full mix in a reference environment and can reasonably be detected regardless of QC mode (i.e., Download/Cast/Browser). It may be creatively intended based on contextual cues, but cannot be definitively confirmed.  
Issue Instance is perceptually detectable when playing back the full mix in a reference environment and can reasonably be detected regardless of QC mode (i.e., Download or Cast).  It is clearly not creatively intended based on contextual cues.
Blocker N/A
How to Prevent

Prior to export, review audio sync on timeline and ensure it is properly aligned with on-screen action, as sync can easily shift during an edit. 

Final deliverables should also be checked to ensure that sync issues weren’t induced during the export process.

How to Fix Fix effects sync on timeline and re-export audio as needed. 
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