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Audio Channel Mismap
Display TextAudio Channel Mismap
Description"Audio Channel Mismap" is the incorrect delineation of the audio track or audio channel order, which dictates the desired speaker assignment or channel arrangement of an audio mix.
ImpactAudio channel mismap negatively impacts the member experience when audio playback occurs out of the wrong speaker assignment. It can be distracting, at best, and can also lead to a confusing experience when dialogue and sound effects do not align with the visual presentation and placement of characters/action on-screen.
Severity Assessment Guidance
IssueIsolated instances of audio being mismapped and routing to the wrong speaker assignment through individual shots/scenes.
BlockerAudio is mismapped through a significant portion of/the majority of the program with audio routing to the wrong speakers throughout, causing a significant disruption to the representation of the creatively intended mix.
How to Prevent

Use templates with correct audio mapping.

Review channel mapping on timeline prior to exporting.

How to FixPlease refer to the technical specifications for the correct audio channel mapping order, reorder the channels accordingly, and redeliver. 
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