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Audio Panning Error
Display TextAudio Panning Error
Description"Audio Panning Error" refers to an incorrect balance between left and right channel pairs that does not match the on screen action. This can happen through a limited duration, or audio may favor one channel through the entire program.  
ImpactUnintended left or right channel “heavy” audio may be distracting to the member experience when it does not match the visual presentation and placement of characters/action on-screen.  
Severity Assessment Guidance
IssueAudio panning is distracting, due to it not matching on-screen action.  Audio favors left or right channel for an extended duration / through the majority of the program, indicating a potential mixing error. Audio panning shifts frequently between favoring the left or right channels. 
How to PreventApply proper stereo balancing during mix to avoid incorrect panning.
How to FixAdjust the stereo balancing to properly reflect the creatively intended mix.  
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