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Audio Drop Out/Mute
Display TextAudio Drop Out/Mute
Description"Audio Dropout/Mute" is the complete lack of audio signal in an audio mix, channel or track.
ImpactAudio Dropout negatively impacts the member experience, as any missing audio or sections of unintended silence may mean that plot-pertinent details may be lost. 
Severity Assessment Guidance
IssueThe audio across one or more channels goes completely silent with a lack of any signal on an audio waveform/meter. This occurs abruptly and without any contextual cues that it is creatively intended. 
BlockerThe audio across one or more channels goes completely silent with a lack of any signal on an audio waveform/meter for a significant portion/the majority of the program.  It would be difficult to understand the story being conveyed as a result. 
How to PreventReview audio against picture to monitor for discrepancies. Check waveforms/ audio meter for complete dropouts in audio during mixing.  This is a good indication that this is not a simple creative “dip” in levels.
How to FixLikely a print master re-recording error, check the print-master and fix.  Repackage and re-deliver if necessary. 
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