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Global Sync Drift Early
Display TextGlobal Sync Drift Early
Description“Global Sync Drift Early” refers to audio sync that drifts progressively earlier through a section or entire program (e.g. Audio starts in sync, is 2 seconds early towards the middle of program, and 5 seconds early by the end of program).

Example of Global Sync Drift Early for Audio vs. Picture


Example of Global Sync Drift for Audio vs. timed Text

ImpactGlobal audio sync drift will become progressively more noticeable and distracting to members, potentially making the content unwatchable, if it extends through the entire program runtime.
Severity Assessment Guidance
IssueAudio drifts early compared to on screen action through a scene or multiple scenes.
BlockerAudio drifts early compared to on screen action through the majority of or the entirety of the program.
How to Prevent

Review audio on timeline and ensure it is properly aligned with on-screen action, as sync can easily shift during an edit.

Verify that audio and video have been recorded at the same frame rate.

How to FixAdjust frame rate or fix sync on timeline and re-export audio as needed.
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