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Table of contents 

    Accessing Backlot Email Notification Settings

    Creating Notifications

    Editing Existing Notifications

    Deleting Custom Notifications 

    Notification search bar


Backlot email notifications are now configurable within the application, replacing the Starship workflow.  Learn how to customize your email notifications with the steps below. 


Accessing Backlot Email Notification Settings

Click on the gear in the top right corner. Gear.png

This will take you to the Email Notification Settings Panel.

Creating Notifications

There are two types of notifications: Default and Custom.

Note: Only Custom notifications can be edited. Default notifications can only be muted or duplicated.

Default notifications are based on the user’s profile as Content Partner, Fulfillment Partner, Netflix user, etc. They can be muted  or duplicated, but not edited. Custom notifications are fully customizable for each user.


To begin creating Custom notifications, click on the Create Notifications button in the top right of the Notifications window. 


This will display the notification settings window.


Event Type

The first step is to choose the “Notify me when” Event Type that you’d like to track from the dropdown. Only one Event Type can be chosen for each notification. For this example we’ll use the Redelivery Requested event so we’re informed when one of our sources requires redelivery to Netflix.

Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 11.05.52 AM.png

Filtering Notification Criteria

Next you’ll choose the Frequency of this notification. There are a number of filter types available based on the Event Type. Content Type “Branded” and Source Type  “Video & Audio” 



Lastly you’ll choose the Frequency of this notification. There are a number of frequencies available based on the Event Type. For this example we’ll choose Daily email notifications.


Now that we’ve filled out all of the notification settings criteria. Click save in the bottom right corner. After clicking save, you will see your newly created notification highlighted as well as A popup message.                                                                    Note: All notifications are grouped by the notification frequency.



Editing Existing Notifications

Note: Only Custom notifications can be edited. Default notifications can only be muted  or duplicated.


Muting & Unmuting Notifications

You can Mute and Unmute notification by clicking the 3 dots on the configured notification event. 


Cloning Notifications
You may wish to use an existing Default or Custom notification as the basis for a new one. Duplicating a notification allows you to modify only the criteria that needs to change rather than having to input all of the filter criteria again.

Note: If you try to create a notification that already exists you will receive an error message shown in the below screenshot. 

Deleting Custom Notifications 

You may wish to delete Custom notifications you no longer need. This can be done by clicking the 3 dots on the configured notification event. 
Note: Only Custom notifications can be deleted. Default notifications can NOT be deleted.

Notification search bar

Currently you can only search by the “Notify me when” Event Type. We may choose to expand search options in the future, based on need. , this is something the we know is an issue and we are working to on adding more flexibility to the search barSearch.gif


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