SyncSketch is a web-based online platform for real-time visual reviews. SyncSketch converts your media files to play nicely within any modern browser. You’ll be able to Review media on your own or synchronously with entire teams across the world.
Netflix VFX provides a project within the Netflix SyncSketch Workspace for you to utilize upon request. Reach out to your VFX Point of Contact at Netflix to request your SyncSketch project.
You’re welcome to procure SyncSketch on your own. Check out their pricing at https://syncsketch.com/pricing/
Once our team has configured the requested project, you will be able to log in to netflix.syncsketch.com using your personal email associated with your Netflix partner account. From there as the Project’s Admin, you’ll be able to add other users and curate playlists. Note: If you’re on our Netflix workspace, all users must be onboarded using their Netflix-provided username/email (e.g. @netflixpartner.com).
When the project is nearly wrapped and you no longer need access to it, please reach our back to your VFX Point of Contact at Netflix indicating the date your project can safely be decommissioned.
To access SyncSketch, navigate to our SyncSketch URL where you will be prompted to enter your Netflix-provided username/email (e.g. @netflixparner.com) - if you do not hold or know your account, reach out to your Netflix VFX Point of Contact-. Click "Continue".
You will be directed to confirm your Netflix Partner Account. Input/Select your personal email and password, associated to the roles and permissions given to the project. Click "Next".
1. Within the SyncSketch project, select the "USERS" tab.
2. In this view, you are able to see a list of all users associated with this SyncSketch project. To add a user, select "+ Add Users".
3. To add users, you can copy/paste a list of email addresses into the “Invite Users” field.
Use Netflix-provided username/email (e.g. @netflixpartner.com) email addresses only. If you do not know the Netflix-Provided email address please reach out to our Netflix Production Support.
Modify their roles. See the grid below to make your informed decision.
Select "Invite # new Users".
- Project Admin: Project Admins can fully administer everything within projects they have been onboarded to. They can manage reviews, media, members, and their roles within the project.
- Member: Members can see all content within the project. They can create reviews and upload media. (Members are unable to administer other users).
- Reviewer: Reviewers can view/approve/add comments and annotations to media within the project.
- Viewer: Viewers can only view content within the project and they do not have the ability to add notes/annotations nor download any media. This is a “read only” access.
Below is a cheat sheet for role access. See SyncSketch's knowledge base to learn more about roles.
invite project users | ✔ | |||
upload media | ✔ | ✔ | ||
create reviews | ✔ | ✔ | ||
approve media | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
see all reviews | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
add notes/annotations | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
view project & media | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
4. If needed, you can modify the user's Permission under the "USERS" tab.
Users who have not logged in during 90 days consecutively, will be deactivated. If this happens, you will be able to re-onboard them upon their request.
This section will go over how to set up a MANUAL SYNC review session (without Flow Production Tracking integration).
*If you are using Flow Production Tracking integration, then ignore this section.
1. Select "Add Review".
2. vfx teams: If needed, select a group.
name: Add a Playlist Name
desc.: Add a short description
Select: "✓Create"
3. On your newly created Playlist, select "ADD MEDIA".
You can then navigate to the files you wish to upload.
OR - you may simply drag and drop the files locally from your computer.
4. To view the status of your upload, select the drop-down arrow next to your Playlist.
If you are interested in setting up your SyncSketch to Flow Production Tracking integration please refer back to the SyncSketch Knowledge Base here.
The below section will go over how to set up a review session AUTOMATICALLY (with Flow Production Tracking integration). If you are utilizing our Production VFX Media Review workflow, please follow these steps.
1. Select the Flow Production Tracking (fka ShotGrid) icon.
2. Select the correct project to sync Playlists from. Locate the Playlist that you would like to sync, then select "Sync".
3. Wait for the Playlist to sync. It will take longer for larger Playlists.
4. Once the sync is complete, the Playlist will appear under "REVIEWS". Now you're ready for a review.
1. To share a Review, hover over the review and select the "Share" icon.
2. From here you can share a review link with Project Users and External Collaborators.
If you are willing to share the playlist only with users added to the project, select Project Users Only.
If you are willing to share the Link to the playlist with people that are not in the project, Select External Collaborators.
Remember that External Collaborators can easily click on the shared Link and they do not need to hold a Netflix Partner account.
3. You can also modify your Review here.
- Access: You can gatekeep a Review to Project Users Only or allow External Collaboration
- Type: Since the Presentation mode doesn’t allow collaborators to interact with reviews, selecting “Standard” is ideal for Reviews where you will need asynchronous input from your collaborators. If you are hosting a synchronous review where your collaborators do not need access to commenting or annotating, Presentation mode is an option.
You may enable Annotate, Download, Approve, Link Expires, and Password.
Once you are satisfied with your Playlist settings, select "Save & send notifications".
The recipient(s) will receive an email notification to “Open Review” which will allow them to immediately review the media.
If you want to share notes and annotations outside of SyncSketch, please follow the below steps.
1. Hover over your Playlist and select the down arrow ↓.
Notes can be downloaded as a .pdf or .csv.
Annotations (aka sketches) can be downloaded as a .zip or a .zip with tracing paper. Tracing paper may help make your annotations more visible.
If your project is integrated with the Netflix Studio Review Flow Production Tracking site, please follow the below steps to export notes/annotations. This will export notes and annotations to Flow Production Tracking. If you want to share notes externally, please follow the manual export option above.
1. Once you’re ready to import your notes to Flow Production Tracking, select the "SG" icon and select which import option you want.
- Push new notes to SG: If you have already imported notes to SG, you can use this option to import any additional notes added after your previous import. This will override previously synced notes.
- Push all notes to SG: ⭐ (Most Recommended) If you have received additional notes after importing to SG, you can use this option to re-import all notes. Will not override previously synced notes.
- With TracingPaper: Will import your sketches/annotations with tracing paper. Preferred if you want your sketches more visible.
- Order Notes by Created: Will order your notes by last created vs in frame order. Useful if notes were added after a session has ended or after you last checked a playlist.
2. A confirmation window will appear once your annotations and notes have successfully synced to Flow Production Tracking.
Reach out to your Netflix VFX Point of Contact (your Point of Contact will reach out to N-TECH for project creation):
- Request a new SyncSketch project
- Request a Netflix partner account for your user
- Onboard a Project Admin to a SyncSketch project
Reach out to SyncSketch Support <support@syncsketch.com> for all other support requests such as sharing reviews, synchronizing a session, commenting, feature requests and more!
For more information and guidance, check out SyncSketch’s extensive knowledge base linked below.