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ProRes & DNxHD Files - Screenings & Reviews

The below asset delivery specs are intended for non-critical screenings and reviews in Theaters, Screening Rooms, and Screening Lounges at internal Netflix facilities. The intent of these screenings is for creative or editorial review only; they should not be used for final technical approval. 

Please be advised that screening room projection booth access is limited to Netflix Screening Technicians. 

For any questions regarding asset delivery for screenings and reviews at internal Netflix facilities, please contact Post Services Operations - Screenings.

 Media Prep for Screenings at Netflix


 Delivery: ProRes & DNxHD Files

  • Output a self-contained ProRes file of your longplay screening cut.

  • Either ProRes 422 or ProRes 422 HQ codecs are preferred however DNxHD is also acceptable.

  • Please use Quicktime MOV.

  • Please preserve the resolution, aspect ratio, frame rate, and color space of your project.

  • Ensure your audio tracks are properly configured for your screening format before exporting a ProRes.

 Audio Considerations

  • 2.0 through 7.1 audio is accepted. For the best theatrical experience of final content playback, 5.1 or 7.1 audio is recommended.

  • Below are the audio configurations:

7.1 Configuration

Ch 1 - Left Front 

Ch 2 - Right Front 

Ch 3 - Center 

Ch 4 - Sub

Ch 5 - Left Side Surround

Ch 6 - Right Side Surround

Ch 7 - Left Back Surround

Ch 8 - Right Back Surround


5.1 Configuration

Ch 1 - Left Front

Ch 2 - Right Front 

Ch 3 - Center

Ch 4 - Sub

Ch 5 - Left Surround

Ch 6 - Right Surround


LRC Configuration

Ch 1 - Left Front

(MX & FX panned LEFT)

Ch 2 - Right Front 

(MX & FX panned RIGHT)    

Ch 3 - Center 

(Dialogue / Mono Track)

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