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AVID Media Composer - Offline Reviews

The below asset delivery specs are intended for non-critical screenings and reviews in Theaters and Screening Rooms at internal Netflix facilities. The intent of these screenings is for creative or editorial review only; they should not be used for final technical approval. 

Please be advised that screening room projection booth access is limited to Netflix Screening Operations personnel. 


 Asset Delivery Requirements


We have Avid Media Composer | Ultimate with ​NO PLUG-INS.

Please note: Editorial changes are not supported in our screening rooms; Avid is utilized for presentation of the below specifications only.

Please deliver a ProRes / DNxHD file concurrently with your primary Avid delivery as a backup playback option.  


Avid Delivery:

Create a new bin with AVID specifically for the screening delivery. 

The bin should contain:

  • The mixed-down screening sequences, reels or longplay
    • Both the video and audio tracks should be mixed down (audio tracks must be configured for desired screening format such as LCR, 5.1 or 7.1).
  • The mixdown source clips
    • Ensure the media is linked properly in your bins, and the corresponding media is included in your delivery.

Your screening media will be linked to our projection systems and played directly from AVID.

Please review the below resources for instructions on how to meet the above specifications when exporting from Avid:

How to: Avid Exports for Theater Review

For any additional questions about Avid Media Composer Mixdown screenings @Netflix, please reach out to Screening Operations.


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