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Voice Testing Specifications

Netflix trusts the dubbing studios to use established voices for any well-known actors involved in the original production. At times, however, Netflix may also request approval of voices to match the creative intent of the original production and achieve Creative Excellence.

The Netflix Language Production Manager will communicate which characters require Netflix voice casting approval and will specify the methods. The two methods we use here at Netflix are live voice tests via VTK clips and library samples

The voice casting approval process will take place via our Casting Approval platform.


Library Samples

Please provide audio file samples—each containing a different actor’s performance—for each role being cast. It is preferred to include samples from talent who has voiced the original actor in the past (and a clip from that performance) and/or samples of a performance that resembles the one being cast.

These files should adhere to the following:

  • The dominant speaking role in the clip should be that of the actor being considered, preferably as “dry” audio with no other music or effects.
  • The file should preferably be a minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of 60 seconds in length.
  • If available, please have the actor read their name in a normal speaking voice at the beginning of the file.
  • Please name the file as [NameOfRole]_[ActorName].
  • We highly encourage all studios to provide the director’s preference with context in the comment section of the Casting Approval tool. 
    • Effective context should illustrate the reasons behind the director/creative team’s preference instead of merely mentioning “first/preferred option.”

Notes may be provided on a talent-by-talent basis in order to achieve the desired performance.


Live Voice Tests

For highly-tiered titles, Netflix may request to approve voices by using a VTK Clip of the role for which the dubbing actor is being considered. Such clip will be provided by the Language Production Manager. 

The dubbing studios must then submit synced-to-picture .wav files containing the audio of the dubbing performances from the voice talent. 

The files should adhere to the following:

  • The sample performance should match the video runtime and be in sync with the clip provided.
  • At the top of the audio, the actor should read their name in a normal speaking voice (preferably over slate).
  • Please only dub dialogue for the role(s) being cast and do not include any other production audio in the clip. 
    • If an M&E mix and/or stems are available, it is okay to use these in the mix of the voice test.
    • In that case, make sure you submit a stereo audio split between the voice on one channel and the music and fx on the other.
  • Each file should contain one performance/test only and be named as [NameOfRole]_[ActorName].
  • We encourage all studios to provide the director’s preference with context in the comment section of the Casting Approval tool.
    • Effective context should illustrate the reasons behind the director/creative team’s preference instead of merely mentioning “first/preferred option.”

Notes may be provided on a talent-by-talent basis in order to achieve the desired performance.


Change Log: 

2023-07-12(version 2.0)

  • Edited to reflect the current casting workflow and provide more clarity.

2019-10-02 (version 1.2)

  • Minor updates accommodating new voice casting approval workflow through the Casting Approval tool. 





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Español (Latinoamérica)












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