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In the Details Page for each request, you have the ability to preview the media that was delivered. This user guide will walk you through how to preview the following file types:

  • Video Files
  • Audio Files
  • Image Files
  • PDF Files

A detailed user guide on how to navigate the Details Page can be found here

Previewing Video Files 

Please note that the following file formats are supported for playback and metadata generation: mov, mp4, mpg, mkv, vob, avi, flv, wmv, ybv, mp2, mpeg, mpe, mpv, m4v, nsv, rm, asf, amv, mxf, m4p, 3gp, and 3gp2.

Select the file to preview from the files list by clicking on the row of the file.   


Figure A

Once you select the file for playback, the sider bar will change and reveal the media player for that files. 

Note: the media player will default to play the DRM proxy first. If there is no DRM proxy available, the player will default to the Hi-res proxy, and then the Low-res proxy.


Figure B

Select Play in the player located in the right-side panel to play the file right from the side panel.


Figure C

If you wish to view in full screen, select the Fullscreen icon from the right-side panel. 


Figure D

Want to adjust the playback rate? 

Select the drop down under Playback Rate. Then select your desired rate.


Figure D

To see more metadata about the file you have selected, scroll down in the right-hand side panel.


Figure E

Previewing Audio Files

Please note that the following audio file formats are supported for playback and metadata generation:

aa, aac, aax, act, aiff, amr, ape, au, awb, dct, dss, dvf, flac, gsm, iklax, ivs, m4a, m4b, mmf, mp3, mpc, msv, ogg, oga, mogg, opus, ra, raw, sln, tta, vox, wav, wma, wv, webm, 8svx

If there are multiple audio channels in a request, simply select each file to playback that particular track. Each will playback separately. 

Select the file to preview from the files list by clicking on the row of the file.


Figure F

Once you select the file for playback, the side panel will change and reveal the media player for that file. 


Figure G

Then select Play in the player located in the right side panel. A waveform of each audio file will be displayed as well.


Figure H


You can also click into the waveform to skip to a certain point of the audio file.


Figure I

Previewing Image Files 

Select the file to preview from the files list. Then a preview will load in the right side panel. 


Figure J

Previewing PDF Files

Please note that you can preview images in these file formats: APNG, AVIF, GIF, JPEG, PNG, SVG, and WebP.

Select the file to preview from the files list. Then a preview will load in the right side panel. 


Figure K

If you wish to expand the image, select the two opposing diagonal arrows icon to expand the PDF preview.


Figure L

When in the expanded view, you can move through pages by selecting the Arrows located at the bottom of the preview. 


Figure M



Español (Latinoamérica)



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