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You have the ability to update the status of a request, fix delivery mistakes, remove files, and set requests for redelivery in the Details Page for a request.  A detailed user guide on how to navigate the Details Page can be found here.

Updating the Status of a Request

If your files have not automatically been submitted to the studio and you need to submit yours files: 

Select the Submit button from the header. 


Figure A


Then you will see that this request's status change from Open to Submitted.


Figure B

Once submitted, there may be some processing time where the Details Page is in this state. Note that the processing time depends on the asset, the run time of the asset, the current encoding queue, and other factors.


Figure C

One processing has completed, you may need to refresh the page to see the status is still Processed but now you can see and make changes on the files that have been delivered to the requests and have finished processing. 


Figure D

To set a request to Redelivery, it cannot be in an accepted state. If your request is Accepted, reach out to your Netflix Contact to update the status. To mark a request for Redelivery. However, if the request is in a Processed state, then you can ask for redelivery.

1. To do so, select the 3 dot menu from the header. Then select Ask For Redelivery from the drop down menu. 


Figure E

2. This will open a redelivery modal where you must provide a reason for redelivery. Select the down arrow to reveal the drop down menu of redelivery reason options.


Figure F

From the drop down menu, select the reason or reasons for redelivery. Hover your cursor of the ? icon next to a reason to get a more detailed description. 


Figure G

Once you have selected your reason or reasons, you can also choose to Clear existing files from this request by selecting the checkbox before proceeding. This will clear all files that have previously been delivered to this request. (Note: you can choose to delete select files on this page at any time if you do not wish to clear out everything all at once.)


Figure H

When ready, select the Ask for Redelivery button.


Figure I

3. Your request is now ready for redelivery and if you chose to clear existing files your request will be blank. 


Figure J

If you did not choose to clear all existing files as part of the redelivery, you can still manually select which files to remove one-by-one.


Figure K

Fixing Delivery Mistakes 

If you need to rename or remove files that have already been delivered you can do that on the Details Page for each request. 


Removing Files

Before you begin removing files ensure that your request is either in an Open or Redelivery state. You cannot remove files for Requests with a checksum. To remove a single file:

1. Hover over the file you want to remove. Then select the 3 dot ellipse located after the request metadata.


Figure L

2. Select Remove from the drop down menu.


Figure M

3. Select Remove from the confirmation modal.


Figure N

To remove files in bulk: 

1. Select the left hand checkbox next to select the files you want to remove. 


Figure O

To select all files, select the checkbox in the top left hand corner. 


Figure P

2. Once your desired files are selected with a checkbox, then select the Trash Icon button above the list of files.


Figure P

3. Select Remove from the confirmation window.


Figure Q

Renaming Files

Before you begin renaming files, first ensure that your request is either in an Open or Redelivery state.

Note: You cannot rename files for requests with a checksum. 

1. To start, select the file you want to edit by clicking on the row of the file. This will open a new side panel that shows the file's name.


Figure R

2. Select the Edit Button in the lower right corner of the side panel.


Figure S

3. Now can access and highlight any text you wish to edit in the file name in the upper part of the side panel.


Figure T

4. Once you have made your edits, select Save to save your changes.


Figure U



Español (Latinoamérica)



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