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Workspaces refer to a user's temporary personal drive space within a Content Hub project, designed to store and share unstructured or “non-assetized” media. Workspaces are granted to users on a project-by-project basis. Therefore, files uploaded to the Workspace on one project wouldn’t be seen in the Workspace of another project in Content Hub -- even for the same user.



The Content Hub platform aims to facilitate efficient workflows by hosting storage; however, it's important to note that files stored in Workspaces are only retained for the duration of the project. As a company, Netflix needs to manage storage usage effectively, particularly for titles that are no longer active, or the owner no longer is able to access the workspace.


Figure A

Therefore, upon a title's launch, all files in a user's personal Content Hub Workspace will have a standard expiration of 180 days from the launch date after which “non-assetized” files from a Workspace related to that title will be deleted.


If the files in your Workspace remain important, it is preferred that those materials be retained in
the Content Hub’s Media Library page instead. This can be achieved by submitting through the Delivery to Netflix page, through a Media Production Suite pipeline, or through a Mailbox Submission -- all of which will ultimately be made available in the Media Library page. Once submitted and processed through one of the workflows above, those materials would be considered “assetized” media. Assetization helps to ensure the media is available in Content Hub’s ecosystem for a longer term beyond the Workspace Auto-Delete policy.

Note: as always, depending on the needs of the show, these files could be retained through other physical or cloud alternative storage outside of Content Hub.

There might be instances where files are needed beyond the 180 days from the title’s launch date to ensure needed files have been properly “assetized” or backed up.

In such cases, you can request a temporary extension within Content Hub. When asking for an extension, you will be required to provide a reason to help us understand the business use cases for “non-assetized” media and their lifespan. This information will help improve the Content Hub platform in the future.


Allowing Content Hub to Auto-Delete

Once a title launches on the Netflix service, Content Hub users who have used their Workspace on that project will be met with this prompt:


Figure B

Content Hub will calculate the Auto-Delete for you based on when the title launched (launch date + 180 days) and will show what that date is.

If that date is acceptable to you and your timeline, you can choose to allow Content Hub to Auto-Delete your “non-assetized” files. Then select Next.

You will then be presented with a confirmation prompt:

PostLaunch_AutoDelete_Confirmation page_NEW.png

Figure C

Once ready, select Auto-Delete My Files. You can now expect your “non-assetized” files to be deleted on the scheduled Auto-Delete indicated in the prompt.

Also, Content Hub will notify you by email before any files are deleted.

You can always review your selection by clicking into your Project Settings and navigating to the Workspace section on the left hand side.


Figure D

From here, you can change your selection and choose to instead request an extension or even choose to delete your files now. Selecting either of the options will open the same prompts as if you selected them from the initial prompt. From the Workspace Storage Management section on the Project Settings page, you are able to review and change your selections at any time before your scheduled Auto-Delete date.


Figure E

From here, you can:

  • Request an Extension, which will extend an additional 180 days from the date of your extension request (Note: your extension will not be calculated from the show's launch date in this case.)
  • Delete My Files, which will delete all non-assetized files from your Workspace and all close down your access to your Workspace for that particular project.

Requesting an Extension

From the same initial prompt, you may also choose to request an extension.


Figure F

If you require access to “non-assetized” files in your Workspace past the standard 180 days, you may choose to Request an extension (180 days from date requested). Then select Next.


Figure G

Before you can proceed, you will need to provide a reason as to why an extension is needed. Please mark all that apply and provide as much detail as possible. (This information will help improve the Content Hub platform in the future.) Then select Next


Figure H

Once you have provided at least one reason, Content Hub will now accept your extension request and will re-calculate your new Auto-Delete date. This new date is 180 days from the date that you have requested the extension. Select Confirm Extension.

Content Hub will also notify you by email before any files are deleted.

You can always review your selection by clicking into your Project Settings and navigating to the Workspace section on the left hand side.


Figure I

From here, you can request an additional extension or choose to delete your files now. Selecting either of the options will open the same prompts as if you selected them from the initial prompt. From the Workspace Storage Management section on the Project Settings page, you are able to review and change your selections at any time before your scheduled Auto-Delete date.


Figure J

Delete my workspace files for this project now

Lastly, from the same initial prompt, you may also choose to immediately delete files:


Figure K

If you are certain that you are longer in need of them or have confirmed they are properly backed up elsewhere if still needed, you can choose to Delete my workspace files for this project now. Then select Next.

You will then be presented with a confirmation prompt:


Figure L

It’s important to note at this stage that if you move forward deleting files now, you will also be forfeiting continued access to your workspace on this project, which means that after this point you will no longer be able to create any new files or folders in the Workspace.

Before proceeding, you must click the checkbox to acknowledge that you understand what will happen if you continue to Delete All My Files Now. Please be certain before proceeding as this action cannot be undone.


Figure M

Once ready, select Delete All My Files Now.

Upon deleting all files, you will notice that your Workspace is no longer available on this project.


Figure N

If no selection is made…

If you do not make a selection by interacting with the initial prompts, Content Hub will default to auto-delete “non-assetized” files on the originally scheduled date per the standard policy -- 180 days after the title's launch.

Email Notifications 

Once a title has launched on the Netflix service and an Auto-Delete date is scheduled -- whether it is the initial 180 days or after requesting an extension -- you will receive email notifications at two standard time intervals before the Auto-Delete takes place:

14 days prior to Auto-Delete


Figure O

7 days prior to Auto-Delete


Figure P

Each email notification will provide a link to your Workspace within that project that is scheduled for Auto-Delete, so you can review what files and folders are in there.

If you do not wish to allow Content Hub to auto-delete your Workspace on the scheduled date, you will also be provided a direct link to the Project Settings page where you can choose to request an extension or immediately delete all your files if they are no longer needed.


1. How do I know if a file in my Workspace is “assetized or “non-assetized”?

If the files you are working with in Workspace have only been uploaded to Workspace, then it is 

likely that they have not been “assetized.”

If the files were "assetized," they would ultimately be made available through the Media Library 


The best way to verify is to reach out to your Netflix contact.


2. What if I never used Workspace but did use Delivery to Netflix  or the Media Library pages?

None of the files or assets you worked with on Delivery to Netflix or Media Library pages are 

non-assetized and, therefore, are not subject to this Auto-Delete policy.


3. What happens if a file that is shared with me gets auto-deleted from the file owner’s 


If the person who owns the file makes the decision to allow that file to be auto-deleted, the share

recipients of those files do not retain access to users upon deletion. When the owner (original

uploader) deletes the file or folder that is shared, that file is deleted for everyone that it has been

shared to.


4. How do I get my files “assetized” to ensure longer term archival (than the Workspace

Auto-Delete policy allows for)?

If the files in your Workspace remain important, it is preferred that those materials be retained in

the Content Hub’s Media Library page. This can be achieved by submitting through the Delivery

to Netflix page, through a Media Production Suite pipeline, or through a Mailbox Submission -- 

all of which will ultimately be made available in the Media Library page. Once submitted and

processed,  those materials would be considered “assetized” media. Reach out to your Netflix 

contact about delivering these files through one of the workflows mentioned above and if your 

use case is suitable for longer term archival. 


5. What should I do if I don’t want my shared files to be deleted for other users?

If files that originate in your Workspace are shared with others and then subsequently 

auto-deleted, the share recipients would in turn lose access. To avoid this, it is recommended that

you reach out to your Netflix contact about delivering these files through

one of the pathways that would “assetize” your materials for longer term archival. Your Netflix 

contact can also provide guidance on whether or not your use case is suitable for longer term 



6. If I need to use a Workspace, but it has been deleted?

Unfortunately, once a Workspace has been deleted, it is a permanent action and will no longer be 



7. If I delete all of my files, is there a way to recover?

Unfortunately, once a Workspace has been deleted, it is a permanent action and files cannot be 


Please note: After your Workspace has been auto-deleted, your Workspace will no longer be available. However, depending on the media, you may still have access through the Media Library page:



"Non-assetized" media - unstructured or self managed files uploaded only into Workspace. These files will be deleted as part of the Workspace Auto-Delete policy.


“Assetized” media - media that has been retained in the Content Hub’s Media Library page. This can be achieved by submitting through the Delivery to Netflix page, through a Media Production Suite pipeline, or through a Mailbox Submission -- all of which will ultimately be made available in the Media Library page upon completion. More specifically, once submitted and processed, those materials would be considered “assetized” and, therefore, inspected & categorized by the Asset Management Platform (AMP), which the Content Hub platform utilizes. This assetization process helps to ensure the media is available in Content Hub’s ecosystem for a longer term beyond the Workspace Auto-Delete policy.

(Note: this also includes submissions to Delivery to Netflix from Workspaces, will be retained as accessible in the Media Library and removed from the workspace view upon deletion of the non-assetized media.)


Español (Latinoamérica)





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