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About Workspaces 

Your Workspace functions as your own personal drive within a Content Hub project, which provides functionality such as temporary storage, file staging, file submission to Delivery to Netflix page, and collaboration with others via file sharing. 

Workspaces are granted per project and per user. Therefore, visibility and access into a Workspace is limited to the user it belongs to. No one else can access or view a user's Workspace unless the user shares a file or folder (or multiple) with another user. 

From Workspace, you can access files that you have directly uploaded and/or access files which have been shared with you by others on a project. To help distinguish between the two, Workspace is divided into two sections: My Workspace & Shared with me.  My Workspace is where a user can upload files directly (and access them later), while Shared with me is where a user can access files or folders that have been shared with them.


Figure A

Important to Note:

  • Your Workspace is NOT a long-term archive solution. To learn more about the Workspace Auto-Delete policy, click here.
  • An upload to Workspace alone does not equate to having met the archival delivery requirements. You must also submit to a request on the Delivery to Netflix, which can be achieved directly from the Workspace page.

Finding Your Workspace

When inside of a Content Hub project, click on the Expand icon on the left hand side of the page to reveal the full sidebar navigation. 


Figure B

Here you will find Workspace. Click on Workspace to be taken to a new page.

DE_Workspace_Finding_02.pngFigure C


If you prefer, you can then collapse the sidebar navigation by clicking Collapse.


Figure D


Figure E


Note - depending on your access, you may see more or less pages in your left-hand sidebar navigation than is shown in Figure B and that is to be expected.


Uploading to Workspace

Before you have uploaded anything into My Workspace, this is how your empty workspace will appear:


Figure F

To initiate an upload from an empty state, there are a few options.

You can select on the blue Upload Files button.


Figure G

Once selected, an upload prompt will appear.


Figure H

Here you can drag and drop to upload anywhere with the drop-zone (dotted line box).


Figure I

From this same prompt, you may also choose files from your computer by clicking select from computer.


Figure J


This will open your computer’s file directory (Finder for MacOs, Explorer for WindowsOS).


Figure K

Or you can drag and drop files directly into the drop zone (dotted line box) on your empty My Workspace page.


Figure L

In either case, once files/folders have been selected for upload, an Upload Confirmation prompt will appear. This allows you to review what you are uploading before immediately starting to upload. From this prompt, you can also add additional files to be included or remove anything that was selected by mistake by clicking the x next to the file.


Figure M


When ready, click Start Upload to initiate the upload.


Figure N

The upload will be facilitated by the Aspera Connect client that Content Hub requires for any upload or download activity on the platform. You can also monitor the progress of your upload from the client.


Figure O

*Note: upload will require the latest version of Aspera Connect is installed to the machine from which you are uploading.

You can also monitor the Transfer status directly on the Workspace page itself, which will show a percentage complete progress bar.


Figure P

Once successfully uploaded, you will see the Transfer status update to File Uploaded. (If you don’t see the Transfer column in your table, refer to this section to learn more about customizing your columns.


Figure Q

Once you already have files or folders within a folder level of your My Workspace section, you can then only drag and drop the specific drop zone near the top of the table or directly into a preexisting folder. If you attempt to drag and drop in the empty area near the bottom of the page, it will not work.


Figure R

If there are no files or folders already within a folder level of your My Workspace section, you will notice a much larger drop zone (dotted line box).


Figure S

File and Folder Management

Once you have files and folders uploaded and added to your Workspace, you have a couple different ways to manage them.

Folder Tree

On the left hand side of the page, there is an interactive folder tree that allows you to drill down into folder structures, drag and drop files and folders into that structure, as well as move folders to different levels within the structure.

To access the folder tree, click the caret (>) icon next to My Workspace (or Shared with me).


Figure T

With the folder tree, you can quickly understand and move around the folder structure.


Figure U

You can also drag and drop files or folders directly into the folder tree.


Figure V

Drag and drop is not limited to files that have already been uploaded to My Workspace, you can also drag and drop files/folders directly from your computer’s file directory.


Figure W

Lastly, you can drag and drop a folder within the folder tree to rearrange or re-order the structure.


Figure X

Drag and drop functionality works outside of the folder tree as well.

For example, you can move files or folders between existing folders in your workspace.


Figure Y

Note: when moving files or folders in your Shared with me section, your changes will be reflected in shared folders to all that have access. To even make changes to any folders shared with you, you would need to have been granted Edit permissions when shared with you. More or share permission settings here.

You can also select multiple files (or folders) at once and move them. To make a multiple selection, hold SHIFT (or Command/Alt) on your keyboard and select files. Once selected, you can drag and drop them. To un-select multiple files or folders, click in the X in the top bar.


Figure Z

File Path

There is also an interactive file path near the top of the page, which provides easy visibility into what folder level you are currently looking at and where that resides in the larger structures. It is interactive because you can actually click into the file path and navigate to whatever level you choose.


Figure AA

Create a new folder

You can also create a new folder right within My Workspace. Select the Create Folder button from the upper right corner of the page.


Figure BB

This will open up a prompt to name your new folder.


Figure CC

Once you have named your folder, select Save.


Figure DD

You will now see your new folder has been added to your Workspace (in the folder level you initially selected the Create Folder button.


Figure EE

Customizing Your Columns

You have complete control over how the data is displayed in your Workspace. Once you have customized your columns to appear as you want, the customizations you make will be persistent across projects. So, if you open up your Workspace on another project, Content Hub will remember your column customization choices.

To customize your data columns, hover over a column header to reveal a three dot menu at the right-hand side of the header. Select the three dot menu to reveal some column customization options.


Figure FF

Adding and Removing Columns

From this menu, you can select what data columns you would like to see in your Workspace, by clicking Columns to reveal column to options. Click the checkbox next to a column option and you will see it added in real time. Columns also get removed in real time if you un-select a checkbox.


Figure GG

Resizing Columns

You also have the ability to resize a column. For example, if you had a long file name and needed the Name column to be larger in order to read the entire file name.

To resize a column, hover of the far right hand side of a column head to reveal a blue vertical line. Click and hold this line to resize the column.


Figure HH

Rearranging Columns

You can also easily rearrange columns by clicking and holding the column header, which will then allow you to drag and drop the column into a new position.


Figure II

Pinning Columns (to the right)

You may want a column to always be in place - or pinned - when scrolling left and right. By default, the Actions column is pinned to the right hand side but you can also pin additional columns there as well.

To pin a column, drag and drop it on the right hand side of the solid gray line in the table. Now that column will remain in place when scrolling left and right.


Figure JJ

Sorting Columns

There are a couple of ways in which you can sort your columns.

The first is from the three dot menu. Here you can choose Sort ascending or Sort descending. When a column is sorted, you will see a corresponding icon to reflect how it is sorted -- a down arrow for ascending and an up arrow for descending. (Once sorted, you can also choose to Unsort the column from here.)


Figure KK

You can also just click on the column header itself and this will toggle through all sort options (ascending, descending, or unsorted) on that column.


Figure LL


The sort icons also will let you know by which order the columns are being sorted. In addition to the up and down arrow icons, there is also a number next to the icon. This number represents the order in which columns are sorted. The number 1 means first and number 2 means second and so on.

In this example below, the view is first being sorted by Name and then by Size.


Figure MM


For any given file or folder in your Workspace, you can perform certain actions, like Rename, Share, Download, and more.

In the My Workspace section, all of these Actions are available to you. However, in your Shared with me section, the actions you can perform will depend on what permissions you have when that file or folder was shared with you. (For example, you may not have been granted permissions to share.)

Renaming File or Folder

You can rename a file or folder by selecting the pencil icon. This will open a prompt that allows you to change the file name. Once ready, click Save.


Figure NN

Sharing from “My Workspace” 

When sharing a file or folder with another user from your My Workspace section, the share recipient will have access to the files within their Shared with me section.

You can share an individual file or folder by clicking the Share icon in the Action column.


Figure OO

To share multiple files, select the files you wish to share by holding SHIFT (or Command/Alt) on your keyboard when clicking. Then Select Share, which is populated as an option at the top of the screen when multiple files/folders are selected.


Figure PP

In either case, after selecting Share, now the Share Prompt will appear.


Figure QQ

From here, you can enter the email address of the person you wish to share the file or files with. If you wish to share with more than one person, you may enter multiple emails by copying and pasting a list of comma separated emails.


Figure RR

As a partner to the studio, you will be able to search for and share with:

  • Anyone at your facility who has the same vendor association set up on their Netflix Studio Account (regardless if they are working on the Content Hub project or not).
  • Other people that have access to the Content Hub project from other facilities and/or from the Netflix studio.

Before sharing, you have the ability to grant specific permissions settings regarding the files you are sharing.


Figure SS

  • View - Can view and download this content.
  • Share - Can view, download, and share this content.
  • Edit - Can view, download, and make changes to this content.
  • Edit and Share - Can download, share, and make changes to this content.

You can also set an expiration date for this share. The date selected here will indicate the date in which the share recipient (or recipients) will lose access to this share.


Figure TT

*Note:When sharing files, the share recipient will automatically be granted the ability to download the files. This cannot be disabled.


Lastly, you also have the option to share pertinent information regarding the file share by typing a message in the Message field. The message will pass through in the email notification which is sent after the share is complete.


Figure UU

Once ready, click Share to initiate the share you have just set up.


Figure VV


Figure WW

Depending on the recipient’s Notification Settings, they should receive an email notification to alert them of the share.

From this same Share Prompt, you can also review who else this particular file has been shared with under People who already have access.


To manage access, click Share to open the Share Prompt again. Now you will notice that the person you just shared with is listed under People who already have access.


Figure XX

From here, you can modify permission settings, expiration date, or choose to completely revoke access entirely on a person-by-person basis. Once you have made your desired changes, click Save changes.


Figure YY

If you want to modify access for multiple previous share recipients at once, you can click the checkboxes next to their names. Now new permission settings will appear above the list of names and making changes here will allow you to make changes in bulk. Once ready, select Save changes.


Figure ZZ

When sharing a folder (as opposed to an individual file), you have the added ability to copy a direct link to an exact folder location. This link (URL) can then be pasted and shared with someone that you want to point to this specific location. This provides a much more clear and direct way to point someone to exactly where you want them to see.

In the share modal, you will notice an added button called Copy Direct Link. To copy a direct link, select the button and this will copy the URL to your clipboard.


Figure AAA


Note: when pasting and sharing the direct link with someone, you must first ensure that they already have access to what you are linking them to or it won’t work.


If you would like to share access and copy a direct link all at once, you can simply select Share and copy direct link. This ensures that the share recipient has access to the link that you intend to send them.


Figure BBB

Sharing from “Shared with me” Section

Before anything is shared with you, this is what your Shared with me section will look like.


Figure CCC

When sharing from the Shared with me section, you may have a different experience depending on how the file or folder was originally shared with you. If you were granted share permission, then you will be able to share that file or folder with others. So, if you experience a sharing issue, you may want to check your own permissions for the file/folder in question.

In the example below, View access was shared and, therefore, edit and share permissions were not granted. As a result, the abilities to rename or share have been grayed out when looking at these files in the Shared with me section.


Figure DDD


Otherwise, if you have the required permissions, the share experience is the same as if you were sharing from My Workspace.

In the example below, Edit and Share permissions have been granted and therefore this user can share from their Shared with me section without limitation.


Figure EEE

Things to note about the Shared with me section:

  • If a folder is shared with you with Edit permissions, any changes you make to that folder or the contents within that folder will be reflected for anyone else that that folder has also been shared.
  • Unless you have been granted Share permissions, you will not be able to manage or modify the access of the file or folder that has been shared with you. (You will also not be able to share with others.)

Within the Shared with me section, you can create a folder within a folder that has been shared with you - provided that you were granted edit permissions to that folder - however, you cannot create a folder at the root level.

Downloading from Workspace

Every single file or folder that is uploaded or shared in Workspaces can be downloaded. When sharing, every permission set includes the ability to download. There is no way to disable download permissions.

To download a single file or folder, click the download icon in the Action column.


Figure FFF

To download multiple files or folders at once, select multiple by holding SHIFT (or Command/Alt) on your keyboard when clicking. Then select Download, which is populated as an option at the top of the screen when multiple files/folders are selected.


Figure GGG


In either case, once Download is selected, the Aspera Connect client will immediately start to download the file. Similar to uploading, you can monitor the progress of the download with the Aspera Connect client.

Submitting to "Delivery to Netflix" page from Workspaces

You also have the option to submit deliverables to the “Delivery to Netflix” page directly from Workspaces.

To submit a single file or folder, click the three dot menu under the Action column.


Figure HHH


To submit multiple files or folders, select multiple by holding SHIFT (or Command/Alt) on your keyboard when clicking Then select Submit, which is populated as an option at the top of the screen when multiple files/folders are selected.


Figure III

In either case, once Submit is selected, a Submit files to Request prompt will appear.


Figure JJJ

Once you have confirmed that these are the correct files or folders that you would like to submit, select Next. (You can also go Back once you reach the next step.)


Figure KKK

Now you can choose the request for which you want to submit the selected files. Click into the Search available Request field where you will be presented with a list of requests. You can start typing to search and narrow down the results. In the example below, there’s a need to search for “2.0 Near Field Stems.”


Figure LLL

If you are submitting to a request on the Delivery to Netflix page that is in a Redelivery state, you will have the option to clear any existing files from the previous submission before submitting new files.

You will see a "Clear existing files?" toggle. Click the toggle on and the files will be cleared once you complete the submission. Once ready, select Next.


Figure MMM

The last step allows you to review your submission to make sure everything looks good. Once ready, click Submit. The files will then be submitted to the request you selected as if it was uploaded directly to the Delivery to Netflix page.


Figure NNN



To see more information and metadata about a single file or folder, select the three dot menu under the Action column. Then select Metadata.


Figure OOO


This will open up the Metadata sidebar on the right hand side of the page. From this sidebar, you will see much of the same information that can be brought into your view when customizing your columns.


Figure PPP

From the side bar, you will also see a Manage Access button. Selecting that button will simply open up the same exact Share Prompt as if you clicked Share where you can modify or revoke existing access or share with additional recipients.


You can delete any file from My Workspace. In the Shared with me section; however, you can only delete a file or folder in which you have Edit permissions. If you don’t have Edit permission, you will notice Delete is grayed out.

To see delete a single file or folder, select the three dot menu under the Action column. Then select Delete.


Figure QQQ

To delete multiple files or folders, select multiple by holding SHIFT (or Command/Alt) on your keyboard when clicking. Then select Delete, which is populated as an option at the top of the screen when multiple files/folders are selected.


Figure RRR



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