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The Backlot Source Request Details Page provides the functionality to export a CSV or PDF file of the QC Report of a QC Request. The QC Report collects all information pertaining to issues that are reported on a particular QC Request as entered in the Netflix Studio application Asset QC.


What is included in the QC Report:

Who can export a QC Report:

Compatible Source Requests:

How to Export a QC Report:

Export a QC Report in Asset QC


What is included in the QC Report:

The QC Report exports the following data points as columns. If the QC report doesn’t have data available for a column, it will still be included in the report with empty values in its cells:

  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • Task
  • Severity
  • Error Code
  • Flag Version
  • State
  • Fix Note Reason
  • File Name
  • Issue Description
  • Comments

Who can export a QC Report:

Anyone who has access to the Source Request Details page for a given source request can export the QC Report.


Compatible Source Requests:

A QC Report may be available to download if an asset has undergone at least one instance of Quality Control. You can identify compatible requests by looking for:

  1. A number on the “Quality Control” tab of a Source Request Details page.
  2. A QC Status label on a transfer’s card on the “Deliveries” tab. Statuses that indicate a QC Report may be exported are:
    • QC Pass
    • QC Failed

How to Export a QC Report:

From the Source Request Details page, navigate to the “Quality Control” tab. All QC events for this asset will be listed out on separate expandable cards. Select the icon with a checkmark icon from the bottom right corner of a QC card.

A drop down menu will open where you can select to export the QC Report as either a PDF or CSV file.


Exporting as a PDF:

Select “Export PDF Report from the menu. Upon selecting, the file will download immediately.



The file will be saved with the naming convention:


For example:


A header is added to the top of the PDF with additional metadata along with all QC Report information below in rows and columns.


Exporting a CSV:

Select “Export CSV Report” from the menu. Upon selecting, the file will download immediately.

The file will be saved with the naming convention:


For example:


The file can be opened in any spreadsheet software like Excel, Numbers, Google Sheets, etc. A header is added to the top of the CSV with additional metadata along with all QC Report information.

Export a QC Report in Asset QC

Asset QC also has the functionality to export a QC Report. Please see the article Asset QC - Export QC Report for more details.

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