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Netflix Media Downloader is a tool that enables you to set up automatic downloads of assets from Media Production Suite workflows to your local storage. 

System Requirements
Mac Operating System  M Chipset and OS Ventura or Further
Windows Operating System  Coming Soon

Installing The Netflix Media Downloader


  1. Download the Netflix Media Downloader for Mac, found here.  

  2. Select the DMG to start the installation process. Please note, You may be prompted to trust the application during this step. 

  3. Once the DMG has been opened, follow the prompts to install. 

  4. Launch the Netflix Media Downloader. 

  5. Sign in with your Netflix Partner credentials.   

Login Screen 2.png

Figure A

6. Lastly, you will be prompted to set your default download location and download speed limit. 

Default Download Location and speed.png

Figure B

Enabling Auto-download Workflows

Regardless of operating system, setting the workflows you wish to automatically download can be done in two ways. 

The first time launching Netflix Media Downloader you will be prompted to enable the workflows you wish to automatically download for the workstation you are currently using. To enable the desired workflows, find the project you wish to enable and then  select the toggle next to the workflow. 

When the workflow has been enabled, the workflow will now be blue and the number of workflows you have enabled for that title in the upper right corner.

Workflows highlighted.png

Figure C

To update the workflows that are currently automatically downloading or to add new workflows: 

Select your name from the upper right hand corner.

Name Selection.png

Figure D

Select Media Workflows.

Media Workflows Highlight.png

Figure E

Locate the project you wish to enable or update.

Media Workflows Project Locate.png

Figure F

Toggle on any new workflows or toggle off any workflows.

Workflow enablement Updated 25fps.gif

Figure G

Additional Settings 

Updating Your Default Download Destination

Select  your name from the upper right hand corner.

Name Selection.png

Figure H

Select Settings from the drop down menu.

Setting Drop Down Highlight.png

Figure I

Select the box of text under Default Download Location.

Default Download Location highlight.png

Figure J

Set your desired location and select open.

Default Download New Folder.gif

Figure K

Your default download location is now updated.

Default Downloaded Updated.png

Figure L

Setting Retries

Select  your name from the upper right hand corner.

Name Selection.png

Figure M

Select Settings from the drop down menu.

Setting Drop Down Highlight.png

Figure N

Select the drop down under Retries and select your desired number of retries. The default will be set to 3.

Number of Retries.gif

Figure O

Locating Your Client Logs

Your logs provide valuable information to the Netflix Support team should you run into any problem with the Netflix Media Downloader. To locate your logs: 

Select  your name from the upper right hand corner.

Name Selection.png

Figure P

Select Settings from the drop down menu.

Setting Drop Down Highlight.pngFigure Q

Select Open Log Directory. A folder containing your logs will open and if needed you can send those to our support team.

Open Log.png

Figure R

Restore The Default Sittings 

If you would like to restore your settings to the default. Select  your name from the upper right hand corner. 

Name Selection.png

Figure S

Select Settings from the drop down menu.

Setting Drop Down Highlight.png

Figure T

Select Restore To Default to restore any settings to the default. 


Figure U




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