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Once your media begins uploading through the Netflix Footage Ingest application and is en route to the Netflix Data Center and the Netflix Cloud, anyone with access to the project in Content Hub and the appropriate permissions for the Footage Ingest page can monitor its progress there. 

If you do not have access to the Footage Ingest page please reach out to your Netflix Contact. If you are using the Netflix Footage Ingest application and have any questions about how to use the Netflix Footage Ingest application, a user guide can be found here

Navigating the Footage Ingest Page

Along the top of the Footage Ingest Page there is a row of quick filters that allow you to filter to the statuses you care most about. The filter you are currently looking at will be highlighted in blue. The filters are:

  • All
  • In Progress - Anything that is and ongoing upload
  • Pending - Any upload that has paused
  • Needs Attention - Any upload that has errors or warnings
  • Completed - Uploads that have completed all uploading and archiving steps. 

FI Page Fliters.png

Figure A

For each upload you will be able to see a summary of the on set media that you uploaded. The metadata will show the:

  • Shoot Date
  • Source Folder or Hard Drive Name
  • Number of Camera Rolls
  • Number of Sound Rolls 
  • Total Size Uploaded

If included in you will also see:

  • Block
  • Shoot Day
  • Unit

FI Page Media Summary.png

Figure B

Hovering over the i icon next to your submission name will display metadata, most importantly the source of your upload. 

i Hover.gif

Figure C

Next you will see the overall status for your upload. The statuses are: 

  • In progress 
  • Error 
  • Completed

All Status.png

Figure D

The last piece of data you will be able to see about your upload is a breakdown of each step in the upload process. The statuses you will see are:

Upload - The Upload Status indicator provides updates on the progress of your media upload to the Netflix Data Center Storage. Successfully completing this upload allows you to clear cards on set. For uploads in progress, you can monitor their advancement, and any issues encountered will be reflected.

FI Page Upload Status.png

Figure E

Media Library - The Media Library Status will let you know if your onset media is available in the Media Library page of Content Hub. 

FI Page Media Library.png

Figure F

Archive - The Archive Status indicator shows if/when your on-set media has been copied into the Netflix Cloud and the checksums have been verified. Once this process is successfully completed, Netflix no longer requires you to retain additional copies.

FI Page Archive.png

Figure G

Last but not least if you need help you can select the Help & Tutorials button in the top right that will point you to the help guidance.

FI Page Help.png

Figure H

Viewing Details on Your Submission 

To view a detailed breakdown of your submission, including any errors that may have occurred during the upload process, click on your submission to open a detailed view of your upload.

Viewing Submission Details.gif

Figure I

The detailed view of your submission will show your identified sound rolls, identified camera rolls, and any other items that have been uploaded.

Submission Details Page.png

Figure J

First you will see the following for each individual roll or item uploaded : 

  • Shoot Date
  • Size

Submission Details Page Date and size.png

Figure K

Upload Status, which indicates the progress of your upload to the Netflix Data Center. Additionally, emails will be sent to notify you when the first roll has been successfully uploaded and when all rolls have completed uploading.

Submission Details Page Upload Status.png

emails 1 and 2.png

Figure L

Archive Status indicates the progress of your upload to the Netflix Cloud. Additionally, an email will be sent to notify that the copy to the Netflix Cloud is complete.

Submission Details Page Archive Status.png

FI Email 3.png

Figure M

Media Library status indicates the status of your media being available in the Media Library page of your title. Here other team members with proper permissions will be able to view your media. Number of Clips will show the number of clips for each roll that has been uploaded.

Submission Details Page Media Library and Number of Clips.png

Figure N

Notes will show you any errors that might have occurred on your upload.

Submission Details Page Notes.png

Figure O

Pre-Upload Validation Issues
If any issues are found during the pre-upload validation, you can view them on the submissions detail page. These validations cover:

  • Illegal characters in file names
  • Presence of hidden files
  • Uploads exceeding 10 TB
  • Uploads containing more than 100 rolls
  • More than 2 MHLs per roll

Pre-upload Validation 1.png

Pre-Upload 2.png

Figure P

Viewing Errors on Your Upload

To view further details about any errors you can click the row to view more details and a panel will now be visible with more details.

Finding Errors updated.gif

Figure Q

From the panel, click See Details located next to the error icon, then click the caret to view a breakdown of what occurred and suggested actions. If you have further questions about how to troubleshoot a specific error.

Viewing Errors Updated.gif

Figure R

Viewing Technical Details About Your Upload

Technical details of your upload can be found under the Upload Information tab. Here you can see: 

  • Project Name 
  • Movie Id
  • Shoot Date 
  • Shoot Day 
  • Block/Episode
  • Unit
  • Total Sound Rolls 
  • Total Camera Rolls
  • Pipeline ID
  • Project ID
  • Source Folder 
  • Upload to Storage Begins 
  • Upload to Storage Ends 
  • Upload to Archive Begins 
  • Upload to Archive Ends
  • File Size

Pipeline ID will assist in troubleshooting should you need to contact support about errors with your upload. 

Upload Information.gif

Figure S


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